I think it is refreshing that the equipment is basic, it let's player skill shine. Less focus on equipment means that people can focus on gameplay, tactics, and technique more, and boy....there is a lot of it. It plays a lot different than any other Battlefield I have played (which is essentially all of them because, outside of the occasional change, they all play the same).
I favor medic and they have changed it quite a bit. You need to be a lot more tactical, hang back, bide your time. You can actually equip a semi-auto sniper rifle, support your close-combat troops by taking pot-shots at enemies while healing your buddies, then run up and revive when needed. It's a lot of fun! And quite different from previous games where you zoom in and spray and pray and kind of act like a crazy half Ramby, half Doctor guy which was fun but also stupid.
The weapons take some getting used to, but they're also a lot more fun because they are, for lack of a better word, a lot more primitive than what we are used to. I mean WWI was the start of the automatic weapon era so we are going into a time where we are still using horses, swords, and melee weapons even and just starting to use machine guns and planes and tanks so you see a lot of slaughter and mayhem when these two things collide. It's really awesome, and while I won't say there is melee combat per se, there's a lot of close combat to be had.
It's a very rich experience. Every session requires you to push your keyboard in and take close remember to blink as to wet your eyes lol.
They offer a new mode called operations which is simply amazing. You need to sometimes set aside an hour or so as it can go on for a while, but it offers some intense experiences. A lot of fun. The campaigns are short but sweet, they play like really good short stories; short, to the point, they end before you get annoyed with the characters or plot like with your favorite TV shows lol.
The game is far from shallow. If anything, it's depth is in it's simplicity.
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