Well one thing is for sure, we cannot judge the game by one silly map Operation Metro. By now, you probably know that it wasn't the wisest of choices to use this in the open beta and ALPHA as well. First impressions are everything, right?
Secondly, I agree with you on the squad management. I feel like from what I've played so far in alpha and beta, there should be some integration when it comes to team-play and functionality. The squad system is extremely weak. And no, I'm not talking about squad management - that will be in the full release of BF3 day one.
Thirdly, performance right now is at a stand still since high and ultra are both locked out of the beta. We're basically running the game at Medium and it sure looks good if it's truly medium. Can't wait to see it on high and ultra. Although, for medium, the game sure runs like crap. Framerate isn't stable, and the minimum framerate I'm getting has me a bit worried. I hope the final game sees a huge boost in framerate, but I'm not going to hold my breath.
As for unlock progression, it's the new age of multiplayer online where unlocking rewards and ranking up is important to gamers as much, as say, achievements. To some of us, they're not as important, but I could see it being as a motivator to continue pushing on to rank "x." It's inevitable.
I've been playing the beta a lot and I've since tried playing Bad Company 2 again and I must say that they barely feel the same. Everything from the gunplay, to animations, to recoil and bullet-drop are far and away from Bad Company 2's. BC2 almost feels like a run and gun game now that I've been playing BF3. Maybe it's just me, but I like BF3 so much more than BC2 and I'm glad there are enough differences to set it apart from it. But you can't help but to see people use the BC2 vs BF3 comparison when they should be focusing on how much how it's like or not like BF2.
I don't think it's right to make the final curtain call on BF3 because DICE made a poor choice to put Operation Metro in the open beta. Well, they should have at least left Caspian Border in there for a few more days. Just sayin'.
Things I've noticed that BF3 does not do right:
1) Triple buffering. I believe TB takes up VRAM? And BF3 supposedly takes a good amount of VRAM so you may see a decrease in performance either way. This is still up in the air. We need benchies.
2) BF3 beta doesn't like my MSI afterburner overclocks. None of them. Crashes the game every time.
3) Optimization is an issue. Hopefully it gets sorted out in time for the full release.
4) Squad management will be in the full release but where are the squad system features? Gone perhaps.
5) Battlelog is a heavy burden and there are just too many windows and crap to open to play one game.
6) Game Manager error when searching for matches.
7) We need to be able to setup our loadouts, graphical settings, etc out of the game. I found myself setting up my loadouts after I just received unlock rewards at the beginning at a match and there just isn't enough time for me to fiddle with it. So I'm at deployment doing that, while the rest of the team fights on shorthanded.
8 ) Random glitches like flailing bodies, invisible player, bodies that look dead but the enemy player is actually still alive and shooting at you, etc.
9) White flickering artifacts usually in the distance. Flickering screen. Screen tearing even with vsync on. Again, triple buffering seems to decrease performance.
10) 870 shotgun needs to be nerfed a bit.
11) Where is the destructible environment? It could be that it's basically non-existent in rush maps but could that be? Sure, you can plow through some walls with a rocket launcher, but that's about it for destructibility.
12) I've blue-screened once while playing BF3 and I've never blue-screened on this PC rig, ever for any reason.
There are good things about BF3:
13) Hitbox is good. I have no issues with that. I'm so happy about this.
14) Prone. Need I say more?
15) Prone speed is perfect. I don't care what the haters are saying. To make it slower and more sluggish would make it feel like Arma 2. BF has never been about ultra-realism. Do not take out the fun in video games. It's a video game.
16) When BF3 is running at 60fps, it feels exhilarating. I want that in the full release.
17) Sound design is amazing. Better than BC2's imho. The whisping of bullets pass your ears is intense! I play with high-quality headphones with a dedicated sound card, equalizer tweaked to my liking. BF3 sounds superb.
18 ) Walk/Run Normal/Sprint to prone animation is slick and smooth. They did it just right.
19) The user interface although reminds so much of Medal of Honor 2010, is warming up to me. Although it could have been something different altogether. Overall, it's satisfactory.
20) I actually like the unlocks but I'm not so sure about the unlock progression. I was looking through it and I don't know if what I saw was a "limited" beta unlock progression. I didn't see that many unlocks. Will there be more than just this? Didn't Dice promise like over 100,000 variations or something like that? Not sure what the number was, but it was a "staggering" mark.
21) The graphics on MEDIUM looked very good. It looks like BC2 maxed out on my PC rig. I'm stoked to see how it will look like on ULTRA but I'm afraid it will crush my GPU.
22) Gun-play feels satisfying. Everything from the recoil to bullet-drop feels good. Firing away at enemies in short bursts at close range or at a longer range feels immensely satisfying. The most important thing is that you feel this adrenaline rush when you're having a good match.
23) BF3 will be best enjoyed amongst friends. I had a chance to play with one fellow Gamespotter and it feels so better than playing solo with a random team. Get your friends and group up. This is highly encouraged.
I'll add to this list and things go on. I just wanted to share my thoughts and feelings on the beta. Cheers.
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