Watching the most recent GDC video for Battlefield 3 had an unsettling effect I'd not experienced before in a video game.
I've played hundreds of games and dozens of FPS shooters, but at the 1:47 mark I got a sour feeling in the pit of my stomach when a fellow soldier collapsed. I've seen the prior iterations and similar titles in the genre, though I do not play war simulations as a matter of course. But this was the first time my thoughts turned to the soldier's family, which is a ludicrous conclusion to take from a video game, but an instantaneous connection my mind made, nonetheless.
To be sure, the graphics are amazing. I know that war is, well, war, but I'm uncomfortable with this trailer, and wanted to know how other gamers felt. Maybe EA was aiming for that sour feeling; I don't know. I personally prefer my games to distance themselves from reality through theme or depiction (sci-fi guns, magic, etc.) - which is why I'm looking for feedback from fans of the genre.
Happy gaming,
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