@dorog1995: Based on your avatar I'm just getting a strong sense that you disagree?
Well, always being asked to do the effort is annoying. But I dug myself in this hole, so I'll give it a try but forgive me if one) don't remember well due to a lack of interest, and two) me not tracking down to gather the names with any of these games.
Remember a lot of people praising this Episode 1 game on P.C. I couldn't tell you the name, wasn't a racing game if that helps, combat focused, it was also on PS2/ GC/ and XB if I remember.
Also recall some stupid threads on GFAQ regarding this 360/PS3 Hack n' Slash game with floaty physics. Name escapes me. But you played a shaved head guy (was in Soul Calibur IV). So anyway, despite critics hammering it for being mediocre I would find topics float such as 'this game is better than Ninja Gaiden, Devil May Cry' (example of title not exact phrasing, this was 2009 or something) not even joking. What's worse is many seem to agree. Only thing I remember doing is posting a link video for how bad the game actually is. and wouldn't even be a one time thing either, Star War fans seem to have loved this game for whatever reason.
And sadly that's all I can float up due to memory. Few others that I simply do not remember enough, only one that's stuck is that Kinect game because it's fairly recent. But even then Star Wars games seem to take an already existing game, do no effort in making it any different, and somehow making it worse. . And yet, Star War fans think it's better due to the cosmetic nostalgia appeal of replacing Joe everyman, with Storm trooper everyman.
If you'e not satisfied with the above? it's worth noting the paragraph that states I have a lack of interest on this whole side-subject. I'm sure if you put in a search engine 'star wars best game ever' you'll find more examples of games not worth your time or money.
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