And I am stunned by how incredible it looks. I haven't paid a whole lot of attention to many games lately, and shadow of the tomb raider is a year old. I'm surprised how well my 1080 runs it, especially in ultra wide 3440x1440, and the Linux performance is really good too, very very close to windows. Just overall very impressed.
@ezekiel43: I'm enjoying it quite a bit, I haven't played a tomb raider game since 97.
To be honest it's less puzzle and platforming Lara Croft and more the multi-platform option for Uncharted.
So the game as a result is really just a very cinematic/ third person shooter. Some people prefer it, some people prefer Uncharted. But everyone agrees they're basically the same games.
I enjoy Tomb Raider 2013 and Rise of the Tomb Raider but Shadow of the Tomb Raider was a huge step-back despite I'm replaying Shadow of the Tomb Raider. Less combat, more exploring/side-questing. And for a good chunk of the game you're limited to using just the bow even after unlocking other weapons for story purposes. Climbing can be a bit annoying at certain locations, and I imagine that people playing on harder difficulties would end up getting more deaths from platforming fails than from battle encounters. Story's nothing to write home about, but is an improvement over Rise imo.
@RSM-HQ said:
@AlexKidd5000 said:
@ezekiel43: I'm enjoying it quite a bit, I haven't played a tomb raider game since 97.
To be honest it's less puzzle and platforming Lara Croft and more the multi-platform option for Uncharted.
So the game as a result is really just a very cinematic/ third person shooter. Some people prefer it, some people prefer Uncharted. But everyone agrees they're basically the same games.
Not even close. I love Uncharted series and Tomb Raider series equally. I'm a fan of treasure hunting adventure games but they are far from being the same game. Lara uses a Bow/Arrow, Nathan Drake never uses a Bow/Arrow but I'm sure you get my point. Nevertheless, I enjoy both Uncharted & Tomb Raider.
Lara uses a Bow/Arrow, Nathan Drake never uses a Bow/Arrow but I'm sure you get my point. Nevertheless, I enjoy both Uncharted & Tomb Raider.
A cosmetic difference doesn't change the bigger picture, it fires much like using a grenade launcher in third person shooters and you know it. I too have played both franchises and didn't click with me for the exact same reasoning's.
The Tomb Raider Reboot is to Uncharted. As Dead Space is to Resident Evil / Saints Row to Grand Theft Auto/ Surge to Dark Souls/ or Bayonetta to Devil May Cry; etc. . etc
One can argue the differences but they are routed in the exact same core mechanics.
On that note I'm very aware of the irony that Uncharted owed classic Tomb Raider a lot to begin with. Both being inspired by Indiana Jones and James Bond.
its a 6 game at best...way too short, lame story and characters, full of bugs, little side quests (and very short ones), some cool new weapons but almost no combat to try them out lol. the dlcs are better than the main game imo.
2013 and 2015 games were far better and epic than this one.
@RSM-HQ: I never played any of the actual Indianan Jones games, love the movies but can't comment between Tomb Raider & Uncharted but I do agree they both play similar despite every 3rd-person shooters does the same style. And yeah, Dead Space does borrow Resident Evil game style but hey, it's as close as having Resident Evil in space lol.
"it fires much like using a grenade launcher in third person shooters and you know it."
- Have you ever fired a grenade launcher in a 3rd person shooter before? They don't fly completely straight like an arrow - it's a catapulting motion. The bow and arrow on Tomb Raider doesn't catapult. You can shoot an arrow at a guy from a REALLY LONG distance and still land at his head. You can't do that with a grenade launcher. So it's not really an aesthetic. You hold onto the trigger and release, that's how it works. You can't just shoot arrows like as if it were a gun! GAWD!! 😤
If you liked the other 2, this is more of that and prettier. It was poorly misjudged by the media because it came out in a wrong timing between AC:Odyssey, RDR2 and Spider-Man PS4. Shadow of the Tomb Raider is the only one in the trilogy that I didn't fully enjoy playing, I wouldn't say I didn't enjoy it since I did, but... something was off with the game and I can't really explain what & why. If I tried to, maybe it's because the story is pretty unremarkable, Lara is the least likable of all the games in this one, and they went too far away from combat action. Personally I feel Rise of the Tomb Raider had the perfect balance and was easily the best new TR game with a good blend of action, combat, puzzles and exploration in my opinion.
If you liked the other 2, this is more of that and prettier. It was poorly misjudged by the media because it came out in a wrong timing between AC:Odyssey, RDR2 and Spider-Man PS4. Shadow of the Tomb Raider is the only one in the trilogy that I didn't fully enjoy playing, I wouldn't say I didn't enjoy it since I did, but... something was off with the game and I can't really explain what & why. If I tried to, maybe it's because the story is pretty unremarkable, Lara is the least likable of all the games in this one, and they went too far away from combat action. Personally I feel Rise of the Tomb Raider had the perfect balance and was easily the best new TR game with a good blend of action, combat, puzzles and exploration in my opinion.
I'll give it a go if on sale. Perhaps they should go back to it's roots, one giant fictional temple.
Have you ever fired a grenade launcher in a 3rd person shooter before?
No, clearly I haven't. . please tell me hardcore gamer how I have fallen from grace -oblivious sarcasm
C'mon, was this even a real question. Or just a fanboi response?
You give far too much credit to a weapon in a singular series when many grenade launchers have range, switch to straight shot/ curved, and body targeting (D00M, Resident Evil, Evil Within, Metal Gear Solid, Ion Maiden, Ratchet and Clank, Uncharted etc) all games with weapons of the same functions as Tomb Raider reboot. Sure most of these are not 'realistic' but seems I'm not the one lacking in genre experience.
Sorry bro, I don't think the bow is anything that special in Tomb Raider. And in all intent and purposes has in gaming always worked similar to a grenade launcher in my experience. Disagree? That's a'ok. But telling me I don't play one if not my most mentioned genres, is laughable.
I'm not a bro and I wasn't saying that the Bow and arrow was special on TR. If anything, it works less like an actual bow as far as distance goes. But the fact of the matter is true that the bow doesn't play like a regular gun. Yes, you use the left trigger to aim but the right requires you to hold and release to achieve maximum damage. You were trying to equate it to a grenade launcher which is not even close to one.
I am also playing it. Its basically my go to after i update my OS to ensure everything is still working. gives the ol RadV driver and my Vega 64 a good workout.
It is indeed very pretty imho.
Gameplay wise its grand. nothing special, nothing particularly does the job. It's combat light which i like (the combat in this series and uncharted is pretty meh imho) but exploring various places, figuring out tombs and doing the other various things is a nice way to spend the end of the day if one is tired after work.
i just dont like the jumpy bits. I am a big wuss :P.
Pardon that soured you. I was trying to lessen the intensity of my response.
If anything, it works less like an actual bow as far as distance goes. But the fact of the matter is true that the bow doesn't play like a regular gun.
I would argue grenade launcher isn't a regular gun. It is a catapult as you call it, but some have other settings for different aiming advantages that would come across as similar to TRR bow.
You were trying to equate it to a grenade launcher which is not even close to one.
Think this was the communication error. My statement was 'outside cosmetics'. This means all the presentational aspects. I compared both purely mechanically. Not how they sound, how they look, heck not even the way of impact. The control and end result was my entire intention of comparison.
People have long stated a "flak cannon in Unreal isn't a shotgun". Anyone with common sense knows they're the exact same thing.
So then, are you sure you didn't mean rocket launcher? I remember Doom 2016 had one, not a grenade launcher.
Either way I agree that it was a stupidass weapon in the TR games. I hate, hate, HATED the bow and arrow and I always avoided using it. It doesn't actually function like realistic bow either because no matter how long or little you charge a shot, the arrow will always fly straight until it hits something.
In Last of Us, Ellie had a more believable bow. Which is sad considering how short her segment was. It had a target cursor and a catapult line - showing you how far the shot will go. That's something Crystal Dynamics f***ed up on. So you saying that Lara's bow was like a grenade launcher was like saying that it functions like a realistic bow.
So then, are you sure you didn't mean rocket launcher?remember Doom 2016 had one, not a grenade launcher.
? Not really. . D00M IV had weapon 'mods' for weapons that gave them a grenade launcher secondary feature. I think it was the one on the Assault Rifles that had the adjustable grenade.
In Last of Us, Ellie had a more believable bow.
For better or worse the recoil and aiming being a test of my patience in The Last of Us, and the bow certainly had it's own quirks.
Didn't 'hate' bow in Tomb Raider Reboot just felt like just another weapon I've used many times before (grenade launcher). That was my take on it. And considering I used it the same way as any grenade Launcher 'and successfully' would say my interpretation is valid on its use. Worked the same way as agony bolts in TEW series, which at least had far more quirks and strategy to its bolt uses.
I remember someone posted a picture on here showing off how pretty it was when it released - and didn't notice that right in the middle of their picture were two vehicle models overlapping with each other impossibly, like one truck tried to eat another. A real turn-off when one of your first sights of the game is glaringly sloppy shit from the developers like that
I've apparently played it for eight hours now. These games are such horseshit. It frustrates me, because I believe Tomb Raider could be an escapist wet dream, if they only removed 80 percent of the (shitty) story and talking, kept the world more in the realm of cartoony fantasy and made the puzzle platforming more linear and classical. It could just be about you and the fantastic solitary environments, with any gunplay usually being against monsters, ancient guardians and hostile wildlife. Only occasionally would there be humans. I would dump those blasted climbing axes and just make Lara more acrobatic again. Probably make the platforming less automated, by which I mean reducing the range at which she will magnetize against surfaces you leap towards and making the player grab them again. I don't get what gamers find so appealing about games doing so much for them. The rope machine introduced before the 2013 reboot was a cool idea. Keep that. The 2013 reboot had Lara dual wielding pistols at the very end as if it was supposed to be some kind of origin story. The new gunplay is incredibly dull and the upgrade system is almost completely wasted with how little action there is in Shadow. Drop both. Just give me one two-handed gun on her back and an infinite supply of ammo for the dual pistols. The action (when it's there, meaning not too often) should be fast and stylish.
The new Lara is such an unlikable wet blanket. I do appreciate the more human anatomy, but I preferred her in shorts and I want her coolness and sass back.
These open world collect-a-thons are so damn dull, and idea of making Lara vulnerable and putting her in emotional peril was always fucking stupid.
@ezekiel43: Agreed. Todays Tomb Raider games look boring as hell. There's lots of games that could be amazing, not just TR, if developers just ventured beyond the same safe template they've used to make games for years now, making most games feel the same.
I'd absolutely love to play a new great Tomb Raider game. A Tomb Raider that tries to copy Uncharted, with mundane sidequests, derivative and more cinematic gameplay, a whinier protagonist, less cool acrobatic moves, focus on human enemies, less puzzles and actual tomb raiding? Not so much.
The new TR games are just more medicore to average action/adventures games to put on the pile. I'd love if they were more than that.
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