BEST looking ps2 game
gt4 was really clean looking and was 1080i+60fps. that gives it the top medal imho
TOP mentions list
GoW2-beautiful boss fights and huge scenery
tekken 5(for best looking fighter for ps2)
ff12(for doing something that i not capable on a 6th gen console)
mgs3(for some really great character models and visual effects)
Burnout 3-revenge had more effects and blur effects and all but 3 was more clean and had less annoying bloom
okami for consistent great artstyle
Ones that i think are overhyped
res4 is overyped for graphics imo. i liked res zero on gc more tha 4 for graphics
shadow of collosus had some epic moments and art****but the environments and effects sometimes didn't convey that.
kingdom hearts 2 was a mixed bag but it had so many great looking battle and ran at 60fps
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