Neither. Bioware was moving in the right direction with the first Dragon Age. Still had a ways to go to make a proper challenging RPG but they ruined that by catering to people who suck. Bethseda is being lazy with Skyrim and ignoring the major flaws in previous games. Mainly, the combat sucks, and the animations were atrocious. And from the non-pre-rendered footage, of which there is very little, it hasn't improved at all. Not including things like javelins, throwing axes/knives, and spears was just sheer laziness. The dumbing down was also a terrible idea. If people don't want to worry about your characters stats, skills, and abilities go play Halo. So, as far as it stands now. Both can go suck a fat one.
This is exactly right. Also bethesda has terrible writing. The stories all seem like they were written by children, there are very few memorable characters and the entire world feels unconnected. I don't really care about TES but I do like fallout and fallout 3 was not a fallout game. I loved new vegas though and I hope obsidian gains control over the franchise. They know what they're doing.
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