@ huerito323
Or maybe you think its cool to like stuff other people hate.
See.... It goes both ways.
Now if you wana talk game then cool, you're welcome to to keep being evasive though.
@ contracts420
Nope, Nobody was Expecting a rehash, we were expecting what Mister Levine showed us at E3, you remeber, Elizabeths Powers being used in conjunction with yours on 4 seperate occasions. Traps in Bioshock were far more clever than the ones in Infinite and far more effective to boot, setting a trap had the exact same effect as the primary use for the vigor only difference is you no longer had to be there to use it.
And The Traps in Bioshock were not enviromental rarities, theres was litarely, Water, Oil, and Explosive hazazrds freaking everywhere, compare that to the tiny water and oil puddles that barely came up in the game, or how undertow was useless when you weren't outside
Now for the stuff unique to Infinite measured on their own Merits: The Sky Hook/Rail was fun for traversing the battlefield but trying to get a shot off will riding it was a pain in the ass, and two, it was easily exploitable, you could just jump on it and pounce on an enemy for insta kills without firing a single bullet, the stupidity of this design really shines in the higher difficulties when the baddies become bullet sponges, simply exploit the the Sky Hook. And to make things worse, theres a Gear ( I think it was Winter Shield) that grants you 7 seconds of invulnerability everytime you jump off, yes, everysingle time. Moving on.... Elizabeth's tears, an E3, She formed a rain cloud to create a water hazard which you could use shock Jockey on to waste all the baddies in the water, this seemed Miles better than The water puddles in Bioshock, just standing there.... Like it was somebody.... Oh right, Elizabeth, yeah and then theres that thing She does with the metal, she gathered a bunch of pots and Pans into a big ball and SuperCharged them somehow, then when you threw it with Telekenise (which was later remove) it exploded like a big Pottery Grenade, same with the handy man on the bridge, then in another trailer you could use bucking bronco to lift enemie, if you do this under a Sky Rail then Elizabeth could bring in moving Cargo to mow them down, quick, clever and effective. However, in Infinite, Elizabeths Tears were mostly good for bringing Resources (guns, Salt and Health kits) and the occasional Robot (Patriot, Turret) it was dull and uninspired.
True it was cool to role into A Bioshock Universe to before things turned to shit. However most of it was Illusory, there was not really all that much to do when the civies are going about their day to day lives, you can't talk to them. They just stare at you blankly, like cattle. It was a nice distraction so long as you don't linger to long and notice the poorly scripted NPC's.
infinites Level Design Is Far better than Bioshock's Cramped Spaces, but only in the areas that feature Sky Hooks.
Infinite does not give you the Illusion of Choice, The choices are genuine and they always pan out just Fine, I think people just have unrealistic expectations, I mean honestly, only a moron would expect the type of Necklace Elizabeth wears to change the entire story. But wouldn't be nice if it did.
and Thats Bioshock Infintite in a very big Nutshell.
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