@ ShangTsung7
Since you depend on Liz then technically shes baby sitting you.
As for the Original Bioshock's gameplay, Jack and Delta carried WAY TOO MANY WEAPONS AND PLASMIDS and yeah I know using the Weapon wheel pauses the game so I could choose the Weapon/Plasmid, but the was so unintuitive: especially in Biosock 1 where you had to double tap the the trigger, once to switch and again to use (not a good strategy agains moving enemies), I prefer the Mass Effect three, quick fire short cut system, even melee had its on spot on the wheel: what if an enemy gets the drop on you ? Infinite you o only carried two weapons so switching back and for in between was a breeze and didn't feel like cheating because you couldn't pause the game to switch. Vigors still use the wheel but atleast then you could quick switch in between two of them, and using Melee is much simpler now that its been assigned its own button intstead of a scrambling for it in the wheel. As for moving around, The Skyrail puts Infinite in the lead now that getting around the battlefield is much faster and cool than Delta and is Lead boots. Infinte gameplay was great, its the overall design is where it fell apart and Bioshock Won.
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