Regarding the length - I think what people are really complaining about is that it has no multiplayer, so not a lot of replay value. IIRC, its single player campaign is about the same length as the single player campaigns found in most other FPSs on the market today = it should take you no more than a weekend to finish it.
It does have different difficulty levels. If you play on normal and like the gameplay, you will definitely enjoy playing through on the harder levels, so that adds a little to the length.
IMO, Black is one of the best FPSs on the PS2 from a gameplay point of view. It's fun to play. It also has really great visuals for the PS2. Those are its strong points.
Its weak points are its story (mostly non-existent) and the fact that it only has a single-player campaign. I guess you need to ask yourself if it is worth $17 to you for a weekend's entertainment? (I guess I got lucky, I bought mine for $10 new a while back. I definitely thought it was $10 well spent.)
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