*************************My Review of the Castlevania: Lords of Shadow***********************
Warning: wall of text.
Warning # 2: it's not pretty. Yes there are some praises in there soewhere but they are hidden deep within some pretty nasty criticism. Much like how there is a good game hidden in this awfully designed game.
First of all, I really enjoyed the game at times. The puzzles especially were fun, clever with just a right amount of difficulty. They even give you hints in the form of Scrolls and the ability to unlock solution which earns a big plus from me. The hints were helpful towards the end of the game when the puzzles got a little tougher, but I never had to unlock a solution. Good to know that the option is there though, easily the best designed aspect of the game.
Everything else however is flawed. The platforming while simple sometimes suffers from poor camera placement and a general lack of direction. There were times where I'd jump thinking I am supposed to land there, only to fall to my death. It's like Uncharted in that they have simplified the mechanics so almost everything is an auto grab, but unlike Uncharted or God Of War, the game does a poor job of telling you what's ahead of you. Perfect example would be in one of the later chapters when you make this very long jump, you think okay double jump and i should be good, but nope. Right when you get close to the wall the latch starts glowing meaning you have to press R2 to latch on to it. But by then it's too late and you are dead. Sure I beat it on the next try, but this effects the Titan battles in the game and completely sucks the fun out of them. There's a pretty decent checkpoint system there both during the titan battles and regular platforming sections, but even that cant save you from the agony you feel when you know you screwed it up because the game failed you.
The combat is excellent at times, and frustrating at others. Your weapons and combos simply dont do enough damage which makes every single fight a grind. There is no fun in attacking a boss with your 8 hit DIRECT combo and watching him lose a tiny fraction of his life. The idea here is that you will turn to your Shadow Magic makes your weapons more powerful, but not too powerful because then that would make the game too easy. So the Shadow Magic meter drains out fast and doesn't refill leaving you just a few hits of attacks that actually do some damage. The skeletons, the spiders, the wolves, and the coffin ants all wear out their welcome fast because fighting them without Shadow Magic is a grind.
You can and I did get into a groove where all my attacks and combos start landing, I parry every enemy attack, dodge and move like a freaking snake! It's very satisfying when it works. The first time they threw skeletons at you, I beat them within two minutes without taking a single hit. But then they throw you off balance by introducing a mind numbing puzzle, i spend a good 30-40 minutes there and a couple of misdirected platforming sections later, i am back to square one; sucking bad getting hit by these skeletons, ants and other enemies that always mash up against the backdrop making them close to impossible spot. You cant tell who is about to attack you or any tells that they might give before they launch a "unblockable" attack. The camera is placed too far away or too up close.
Which brings me to two of my most frustrated fights in the game. Chapter 3 boss and Chapter 10 boss. Both fights have the camera placement in common. It is NOT set above at a bird's eye view of the fight. For some reason for the first time in the game, the camera comes down to your height and sits down behind you. And if your character is directly infront of the enemy then it blocks your view of the enemy making it impossible to see when they are about to attack you. You can choose to stay away, but when your regular attacks dont do much damage on Normal, it's pointless to stay afar. When you get up close, even with the camera not blocking you, the enemy hit detection will fail you. I was hit numerous times by his BODY with his arm behind him still loading up his attack. How can you parry that? The Chapter 10 boss is in a cIass of its own in terms of douchbaggery. His attacks are completely random and are LONG range attacks meaning you get hit even if you are far away. No way to dodge or block them either because there is no tell. lol THere is no telling what that ****er is gonna do. :P
Aside from these two bosses, i enjoyed the boss battles a lot. the were challenging and had nice decent puzzle elements to them. Some of them had some pretty bad QTE sequences that come out of nowhere or take place randomly during a long cutscene. Some go on for far too long, and the very last fight with its changing magic sequence was the most terrible piece of gameplay I've played all year. Worst than the Cortana level in Halo 3. That was simply sadistic. And if you mess it up, the boss gets HALF of his health back. HALF! Terrible, simply terrible. After three tries on normal trying to beat that last part and giving him half his health back, i switched to Easy and finished him off after three more tries. Not because I was bad at the game, or because i didn't learn the combat or dodging or blocking, but because the game developers are amateur devs who have creativity but lack the restraint and talent of producing a well balanced game.
GoW3 is a fantastic game because its gameplay is polished to perfection. Every battle can be won because you can learn your enemy and master your moves. This game is all reflexes. If you are an old school gamer who loves games from that era then you will be in heaven because this game will rape you. If you want your games to be fair and balanced then this game will still rape you, but you wont feel as good afterwards.
Then there is the story which is pretty serviceable, and actually has some pretty decent moments. The ending chapter especially is hilarious because you know that's when Kojima came aboard and wrecked **** up. Freaking one hour cutscenes in the final chapter after maybe thirty minutes of total cutscenes in all other chapters combined. I liked the "real" ending a lot. Am very curious to see what they do with it. That said, i HATED the Patrick Stewart narration. Not just because it felt like he reading a book and because the writing was awful (an old man talking about beautiful young boys is always disturbing), but mainly due to him rambling on and on about what Gabriel is going through, what he's feeling inside, how he is becoming evil or seeking revenge. I saw NONE of that in the cutscenes, only in the last chapter does he show some actual personality. It was pissing me off listening to him ramble on and on and seeing none of that on screen. The only thing we get is him admitting that he has done some questionable things. Awful dialogue btw.
Again, it was a really nice story but someone here claimed that Gabriel is a deeper character and more real or whatever tha Kratos, and please that's complete bull. Kratos' personality comes from his brutality, his posture and his thirst for violence. He doesn't need to say anything because the animators do the work for the writers. Same cant be said about Gabriel. At least the Gabriel in the cutscenes.
They also artificially try to lengthen the game by making you travel back to grab stuff during puzzles, long drawn out platforming sequences, making you fight over bosses again after missing a single QTE and throwing a countless stream of enemies at you. For a game that is already pretty lengthy, trying to squeeze another few hours this way is pretty cheap. Streamline it like Uncharted and GoW3. Make sure your game is fun, not just long and "challenging". If the game is making me curse your mothers out then maybe you haven't made it fun. Hopefully next time they will focus on polishing the gameplay. Anyone can add 10-12 boss fights, 100 ledges to climb and throw all kinds of enemies at you, that's not the point. The point is to make the gamer have an experience he would want to come back to. GoW3 could've added at least a couple more hours throwing all kinds of different enemies at you, but they went with quality over quantity, and it shows.
7.9/10 Good, but not Great.
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