That is essentially the nature of the JRPG. Expecting otherwise is foolhardy, and whenever a game aspires to switch it up, of course I am not against it. Doesn't change the fact that the combos were poorly executed IMO and the 'whole tons of combos' meant nothing when, again, mashing the same combo over and over. At level 10 it was TTX, at level 20 it's STTX, etc. As for the gear battles, I thought they were also overused and amazingly more BORING than combat with the characters. Combos there were overly simplified versions of the character specific combos, not to mention the annoyance of building up attack levels before using them
Graphics had nothing to do with the game's quality. If it had gotten the budget it deserved, they should've improved the combat engine instead. Apparently the Xeno series (including spiritual successors Xenosaga) are just doomed to become animated storybooks instead of games as time passes.
executing the same combo over and over is your choise, the game gives you tons of combos to choose from even at highest level you have like 4 "strong" combos as i said but then again you choose to do the same one over and over, it did something different, changing the usual attack for combos, so why would they fail? are you saying its better to have the standrad "attack" option over and over. If you didnt like the combos and the gears battles, thats personal, but saying it failed because you dont like it is exaggerated at best, and how gears battles were overused when only about 1/5 of the game is with them?
Xenosaga had nothing to do with xenogears, it was totally different game with another different story (bad imho) that is not connected with it anyway except some of the people who worked in it and some character recicling, they couldnt include the story for legal reasons which was the strong point of xenogears so they tried to make a bad copy of it. And ofc xenogears didnt do as well as say ff 7, it was a new IP while FF already had a huge fan base, and xenogears wasn't so streamlined for that time, while FF system was more fluid with the new ATB system.
You say you have "tons of combos to choose from even at higest level you have like 4 'strong' combos", but again how is this any different from picking Attack/Insert Super Attack Name Here repeatedly? I never once mentioned that spamming Attack over and over is better, but you're trying to establish that forcing the player to input a combo sequence is better than simple Attack input. If the combo itself carried better reward in game, I'd concede, but all it really does is turn one input into four for the same result. Four to choose from at max level? Why bother, when there's one strongest?
Look at it from a technical standpoint: why would I shoot for 80 damage over 120? Because I like the way Fei drop kicks for 80? Aesthetically, yes, it is nice to have options, but there is nothing else there. If each combo gave additional benefits, say increased speed following the combo, stun the foe because they were just suplexed, then the system would work better.
As for Gear battles, I cannot say how often they were used beyond the 20 hour mark, because I admit to never finishing my own copy of the game. But those first 20 hours? 70% gear battles. I CRAVED kicking all sorts of backside with Fei, instead I was shuttled from one point to another after that tournament in the beginning of the game for the next 5-10 hours! In between I got lots of tedious, repetitive Gear fights. When I hit the sewers and was granted some freedom to run about and play a JRPG I was ecstatic. An empty joy, as it would turn out.
I am not here to challenge your liking the game, more power to you. I just want you to understand my experience, and my viewpoint of the combat engine. Like I always say: a good fan defends the games they like, a true fan admits the faults the game has when a second opinion presents them.
are you putting effort on missing my point or you dont actually get it?
except for fei (main char) who has 2 other combos at level 70 and 80 /and learn them very late in the game, everyone learns their 4 last combos at level 55 including fei, which are the stroongest and you can change between them, is not one does 80 and the other one does 120, each character have 4 combos which are equally strong at level 55 and are their last one, got it? is not one strong combo, and liek you said you didnt finish the game, in fact i can clearly see you didnt get very far so it would be quite obvious that you use the strongest attack you have at the time, is like when you get that new magic at level xx in a jrpg ofc it will be the strongest and the most used if it was the last one you unlocked, dont see your point here.
And its too bad you didn't like it, im not saying you should, because to each his own, but leave your opinion as an opinion and dont try to support it by making wrong statements as if they were true.
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