WIC was announced as a multiplatform game but ive only seen the PC version in stores. Was a console version ever released? because i would like to play it on xbox 360. Can anyone shed some light on this matter for me? Thanks.
Its effectively been canceled....the developers of the original game, the developers of the port, and the IP itself are all under different publishers...so bassiclly, its not gonna come out.
That is bad news for me, as I stoped playing PC games 3 years ago due to the onerous cost of constant upgrading. I only play console now. WIC is an old game but my Nvidia card is low for it and I have no plans of upgrading. Guess Ill pass this one if its not on console.
Its still confirmed for consoles as World in Conflict: Soviet assault. While I prefer playing RTS' on PC the recent game Endwar which is very similar to WiC means there a bright future for it on console and its being published by Ubisoft who made Endwar which means it could actually be really good. Although undoubtedly the PC is the place to play it
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