It's a shame how Crytek changed for the worse when they started consolising their games.
The only difference between console FPS and PC FPS is a thin membrane of delusion propagated by people who think they are entirely dissimilar.
I have to disagree. It is a fact that PC FPSs are deeper and more complex. No console FPS developer makes games like S.T.A.L.K.E.R., Red Orchestra or ARMA.
Crysis 2 was an awful game precisely because it was dumbed down. Crytek wanted to tap into the console Call of Duty crowd and made the game linear and simpler.
Rainbow Six stopped being a tactical shooter series the day that they started making them on consoles. The same was true for Ghost Recon (they actually made a PC-specific GRAW2 that was tailored for the PC crowd. Quote from the review Gamespot review: "That way, Xbox 360 gamers could get a third-person action game while PC gamers could get a hardcore first-person shooter.")
Arena shooters essentially stopped being made when developers started focussing on consoles. Epic understood, with its Unreal Championship games, that it couldn't just port Unreal Tournament 200X games to consoles and have people buy them, because these games were too fast, 3 dimensional and complex to be played with a gamepad. Instead, they made Unreal Championship 2, which is excellent in its own right, but I wouldn't even classify it as a FPS (iyam, it's better played in third person). And then they made the extremely boring UT3 which took out all the movement innovations of the former games. When that bombed, they switched to slow, sluggish, extremely boring games. They even got People Can Fly, which made the very excellent Painkiller, to make a FPS IN WHICH YOU CANNOT JUMP. I'll never forgive them for that. (Bulletstorm was good in its own right, but it's a clear example of trying to make a fast-paced FPS specifically for consoles: not enough buttons means not enough possibilities, ultra small corridor levels, etc.)
PC and console FPS share many similarities in 2013, but it's mostly because so many games are multiplatform these days. However, the FPS genre would have been infinitely better, deeper and more interesting if the focus had not been shifted from PC to consoles. For one, we still would have a decent amount of real tactical shooters and arena shooters, and less of that horrible, horrible, horrible "PRESS X TO HIDE BEHIND COVER" garbage.
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