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I really liked the campaign, maybe a bit too gory in some Saw-like moments. Haven't touched multiplayer and I doubt I will
dead space 2 campaign was really good, multiplayer was just an addition they wasted time because everything has to have mp nowdays, got bad too fast.
I enjoyed Dead Space 2 quite abit. But I cant help but feel it wasnt as freaky as Dead Space. I played both with Surround Sound and still feel The 1st was creepier then DS2. It was good just lacked creepy vibe.
Dead Space 2 was pretty good up until the last three chapters (not much in the way of new weapons or enemies, but the pack hunters were really cool). Unfortunately, the last three chapters, with their infinitely respawning enemies, indestructable foe, cheap hits and weak last boss, ruined the game for me.
I loved Dead Space 2, but that was to be expected since the original was my personal GOTY for 2008. The campaign was great, excellent scripted moments, I liked the story and setting. As some other people mentioned, it wasn't quite as scarcy since they used a lot of the same tactics from the first game, but there were plenty of awesome "WTF" moments and still created an amazing atmosphere just like the first game. The campaign was great, but the multiplayer just seemed tacked on and didn't really hold my interest at all. I thought it was unnecessary before the game even came out and my opinion didn't change when it was released. Developers all seem to think that everything should have some kind of multiplayer now, but I just don't agree with that.
^ Aww I love you guys. Dead Space ftw!Elann2008hahaha you must be a clone, because dead space is the shiiiit and my name is Elan and have never met anyone with the same yet
I enjoyed the campaign alot. Fun to chop off enemy limbs, although the game really, really, REALLY pushed the ennvelope when it came to being disturbing. The babies that blow up... it's just... wrong. In a good way, since it was a horror game. read my full review for my total thoughts on the game. (click that like button while you're at it!) I liked the game, haven't touched MP, never will.
Constantly hearing a voice over a com link and constantly being told to "go here" only to find out i have to go somewhere else because the path is blocked pretty much killed it for me.
Like every time the game had me going to this random location i KNEW that something was going to happen and i was going to spend 3 hours going in a different direction.
Also, there might as well have been "necromorph spawns here" signs on every room entrance door. You know as soon as you cross that scrimmage line or pick up that item in the middle of the room that eleventy things are going to spawn and try to kill you.
I din't like the game that much, it had way too much stimulation, thourghout the entire game people are screaming , loud machines constanst loud noise, too much bright flashing lights, and the levels desgins are used over and over again.
[QUOTE="Doobious_Sly"][QUOTE="Elann2008"]^ Aww I love you guys. Dead Space ftw!Elann2008hahaha you must be a clone, because dead space is the shiiiit and my name is Elan and have never met anyone with the same yet :shock: Are you yanking my chain or you for real?! lol i kid you not dude!
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