Concerning Gamestop trying to sell used games, I have had that happen to me only once.
I went to buy Assassin's Creed, placed the empty new copy box on the counter, and the clerk suggested I buy a used copy. She said that many people had returned the game because it did not meet their expectations. She said the she, personally, enjoyed the game, but that I might want to consider buying it used incase it did not meet my expectations.
I actually appreciated the fact that she did this. Yes, GS benefits from selling a game to me used, but I also benefit because the cost to me, and thus my risk, has been reduced.
On a related note, when people talk about how Gamestop "hurts" developers by selling used games, does anyone think about the developers who make mediocre games? Mediocre games that sit on GS's shelves, going unsold, wasting valuable space? Games that they eventually have to sell at a discount, or possibly a loss?
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