Lol the fact that some of you guys are getting so defensive and apparently upset over differing opinions about a video game is making you look pathetic.Solid_Snake325
You might want to lay off tossing around pejoratives like pathetic when you are unable to even articulate why you feel the game is overrated.
You do realize that calling a game overrated but being unable to specifically delineate what about the game is overrated implies that you literally have no actual rationale for your opinion, which means that your opinion is entirely meritless when foisted upon the rest of us.
These aren't my rules either; we're talking argument, logic and rhetoric 101 here.
What I find pathetic is the contrarian culture of whiny cynics who deride quality because their puerile deconstruction makes them feel special and divergent. Again, I predicted this very thing when the reviews for this game started hitting the press and the reason I made the prediction is because the psychology of the contrarian is base and painfully easy to anticipate. Anything that garners praise gets labeled overrated and this pitiful cycle repeats to a point of nausea. People are so egocentric that they think if they don't specifically like something then it must be "overrated" when in actuality the game could very well be brilliant but not to their personal tastes.
What I find amusing is how no one calling this game overrated (a.k.a the vocal minority) has been able to offer a single cogent point or shred of evidence to support these inherently baseless claims. The closest they've come is a guy who would rather watch the story of a game than play it and thus predicates his entire platform of derision on this silly premise.
The onus is on the detractors because the positive consensus is well-defined and clearly justified where by glaring contrast those trying to knock this game off the pedestal are grasping feebly at straws. Generally I don't get lassoed into these types of debates but frankly, AC (and AA) are good enough to warrant a bit of a defense on my part.
Pissing on quality in general annoys me, especially when backed by vapidity and weak logic.
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