There's a great article in the latest GI about female characters in games.
Female characters are often featured less often in games because of budget and time concerns. In order to include female characters in actual gameplay (as opposed to them showing up solely in cinematics, as it the case with Gears of War), the devs actually have to create unique skeletons (whereas they would just be using one skeleton if the enemies and playable characters were all male) and have to do an entirely separate set of animations for the female characters. So you're basically doubling your animation budget just to get a girl in there. Devs like Cliff B. expressed disappointment over not being able to use female soldiers in the Gears of War games because of the added expense(though they do exist in the comics based on the franchise). The upcoming Crackdown 2 had to cut its female playable characters out for this reason. So games do have concerns that movies don't and that has to factor into comparing the diversity of the characters between the two mediums.
Another interesting thing about the article was about how difficult it was designing the female playable character for Fable. As much as we want to blame undersexed developers for the sexuality in games, it was actually the women on the development team for Fable 2 that were getting upset when the female's level growth resulted in a stockier and therefore less traditionally beautiful avatar. I think this aspect is more of a cultural issue than a gaming or even a male issue. Afterall, you don't get on the cover of Mademoiselle by being smart. I think games in general have been a much better source for strong heroines than film.
As to ethnicities. Some of it is the demographics of developers and gamers I'm sure, but some people just don't want to open a can of worms. And that can of worms is way too easy to open in this country. Even in these forums, after Mirror's Edge came out there were people complaining that Faith's eyes were too slanty and she was therefore an Asian stereotype disguising the true beauty of asian people and blah blah blah...I really can't blame developers for just playing it safe.
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