[QUOTE="MarcusAntonius"] You're going to use a Japanese sales chart to prove how poorly a X360 has been received? Tell me this is a joke. Last time I checked, MS barely has a finger, let alone a foot in the door in the Japanese market. This is pretty disingenuous on your part, no offense.
Wow......I was showing you that the majority of software and hardware sales are to handhelds and that the majority of new games coming out are for handhelds....... I said nothing about the 360......at all.. Also where in the world did I even hint at the Xbox 360? Unless you completely forgot about the Wii, PS2, and PS3 and assumed the 360 was the only console on the market, but I doubt that's the case. Also if you or anyone else is wondering why Microsoft is having such a hard time in the market, feel free to watch their advertising.
What is all this supposed "freedom" you keep talking about? 2D games are limiting to gameplay, they're not an enhancement. The Castlevania comparison doesn't hold water, you're talking about two entirely different genres. Do the RE games have this freedom of yours? How about Metal Gear, Splinter Cell, Nocturne, Silent Hill, etc. I'm thinking you're digging for something that isn't there because your argument is incoherent with a premise that is doubtful at best.
I'm talking about freedom of combat,such as you can attack multiple enemies without targeting or fight hack and slash without getting bored to death *Dynasty Warriors tried the repetitive combat route and well.....yes some have done it right but most fail compared to the 2D ones that outshine in this realm* , jumping over enemies, camera angels, co-op play *no splitscreen for hectic action* etc.And what do Stealth, Turnbased JRPG's, and Survival horror games have anything to do with fast paced combat is beyond me since their whole gameplay is revolved around keeping a slow pace. All I said was that 2D does most things in this realm better then 3D, but I never said that Ninja Gaiden was "crap" because it does many things 2D can't do, but the action genre as a whole works better in 2D which explains why there were/are so many more games and different types of subgenres in the realm of 2D then 3D *which is fact*. But does that mean 2D>3D for an action game? No as I said they play different and it's all opinion.
I'm going have to agree...If your using sale figures to determined quality. Why in heck do I even waste my time playing anything but FF, Dragon Quest, And Kingdom Hearts then? I mean serious...Stuff like System Shock, Dues Ex, Baldur's Gate, NWN, Kotor, Fallout, Planescape, Tales of the Abyss, Shin Megami Series(Digital Devil and Persona also)....And Yes...I can contuine if you want?
Sorry to break it but FF is pretty average...the difference is it has high production value and a large budget to make up for it
Seriously people all I was saying is that the majority of Japanese publishers and developers are developing for handhelds now *which whether you like it or not it IS true*. And not to be rude but I don't get why your listing games on PC made in America *when I'm talking about Japan* and Japanese games that came out in recent years the handheld takeover is happening currently. And most of their big titles are towards handhelds too. Take Square, yes FFXIII and Last Remenant are to next gen consoles but their biggest franchise DQIX and their continuing franchises FFT and Persona to portables and their new gaems Crisis Core, Dissdia, and It's a Wonderful World to portables. So what does that tell you that the biggest company is doing that.
And I agree FF is an average game at best. Yes their are a few standouts but most of it is just presentation dribble.
Oh I played through DQVIII last year, great game. A little too old school maybe by the end I was getting bored with the combat. But I loved the big colorfull bosses and feel of the game, it was fantastic. I love beat em ups and action games so im buying Odin Sphere and taking my chances, it looks fun as hell.GodModeEnabled
You love beat em ups and action games and JRPG's? Dude Odin Spehre was made for you.
I have to say you just compared Castlvania (which has a lot of exploration) to a game like Ninja Gaiden, which never had any.
by far, the Xbox version of Ninja Gaiden destroys the 2d version in pretty much every aspect you can think of... it's not 3D's fault Konami has been unable to transfer Castlevania into 3D. Metroid, Zelda, Mario, Metal Gear,,, have all made the 3D translation successfully and are among some of the most critically acclaimed games.
I was talking about switching actions and combat, and is 3D's fault it can't work because you can't switch actions like jumping on enemies heads to platforms because it's simply impossible because of the camera angels and theswift combat while enjoyable in 2D would be an utter bore in 3D. This is just like Ninja Gaiden the 2D ones had simple beat-em-up combat which was fun in 2D, but it transfered horribly in 3D so they changed the game, and you get the glorious gem we have now. And it wouldn't matter because the current Ninja Gaiden just can't work in 2D because similar to how hack-n-slash in boring in 3D, I think the way Ninja Gaiden plays with the blocking, counterattacks, etc. wouldn't be as entertaining in 2D if entertaining at all, so the Ninja Gaiden's we have now are made for 3D and as you already know are amazing games. I admit Castlevania was definately the wrong choice I should've used something similar to Street Fighter 3, but while Ninja Gaiden and Street Fighter both focus on combat I think you can see that the comparison fails because they are two different genres. The only way they can make a good 3D Castlevania is to change it completly until it isn't even the same game anymore. I really can't find a 2D game that plays like Ninja Gaiden/Devil May Cry which is strange because it's really just a beat-em-up with a tight combat system Zelda is an adventure game it's MADE to be in 3D, Metal Gear played top down in recently just like it's previous incarnations, the only one that you listed that I can use is Metroid which did an incredible job in the transition, however it still is missing somethings. Yes the platforming is good but not as detailed as Super Metroid and you can't take a 180 degree turn in an instant. Though I do like the 3D Metroids much better then the 2D ones.
Again two different dimensions, two forms of gameplay. All I was saying is that 2D is better at some things then 3D and vice versa and while you agreed with me on the aspect that JRPG's fit this message, other users for some reason are complelty freaking out as if I stated that 3D is worthless garbage that should've never been in gaming when all I was doing is stating examples that 3D just can't do and vice versa for 2D.
Swift combat is a bore in 3D? Coupled with your claim that NG plays slower in 3D than it does in 2D, I no longer believe you have played the modern Ninja Gaidens. The only thing I come out of your arguments with is that you prefer 3D to 2D. None of your arguments, be they about action games or rpgs have make a lick of sense or held an ounce of truth. I could write a lengthy argument explaining about why you are wrong, but since you can't write a coherent one explaining why you are right, why bother?
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