A camper and a sniper are different. If you are sniping you are generally in view but from a distance, so there is risk of being sniped yourself. With camping you are completely confined to a corner of the environment in which you cannot be seen by anyone else until the fatal last second.
That is a design issue. If given the option to shoot behind cover or shoot from out in the open, few players would choose to needlessly increase the risk to themselves. Its the job of game designers to make sure that playstyle X doesn't automatically crush playstyle Y.
I always thought snipers were supposed to stay hidden as a general rule. Hence the use of ghillie suit and camoflage in general.
No, I think camping is fine. Spawn camping though, is cheating.
If a designer makes a level/weapons in which a player can crouch in a select corner and kill all comers, I don't blame the player who crouches in the corner, I blame the designer.
As for spawn camping, there are ways to discourage it (giving newly spawned players windows of invincibility, giving them the tools needed to deal with any threat and allowing them to spawn over wide areas spring to mind). If Team A cedes the entire map to Team B, they should expect to get spawn camped. I hate it when a match goes to that level because that means a match is one sided, but the tactic itself doesn't strike me as objectionable.
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