I was just wondering do you pay much attention to graphics? Is good graphics obligatory for ar good game?
For me good graphics is good but i don't pay much attention to graphics.
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I don't until usually my second run through the game, when the flaws start to become really noticable and I actually start to actively look out for them.
Said it before and I'll say it again. NieR is one of my favorite games ever.
So no I don't pay attention to graphics.:D
if the visual;s and art sytle are really.. really bad such as say in the case of the elder scrolls I arnea.. then i care a cluster---- of pixels is not what i came to see. this being said i can tolerate older visuals and still think daggerfall, arena's sequel is the best and msot open world of open world rpg's and lol at the fact that no one has EVER been able to get as close to that size (you can fit two azeroths(wow) in daggerfall)
No, I'm a fan of gameplay, depth, customization and complexity.
However, I do notice and appreciate good graphics when they are present.
I believe it's an important element to any video game and I do enjoy taking a moment to appreciate great graphics during gameplay (especially in games like Red Dead Redemption and Castlevania: Lords of Shadow)
I'll notice if a game has exceptional aesthetics, but graphics do not matter to me at this point, and haven't mattered for 5 or 6 years. The technical capabilities have just gotten to the point where it's almost useless to put money into it anymore.
I still play games from the 90s, like Fallout 1 and 2, but modern games have redefined graphics from just visuals to things like physics and such which do infact change gameplay. So yes, I do, but it's not a turn off for me unless it looks unappealing for its release time
At first glance, of course. The visual appeal, whether it's a graphical powerhouse or an artistic game, it's the first thing you will notice. Then comes story, gameplay, characters, voice acting, controls, and everything else.. At the end of the day, graphics don't matter as much as the other elements of a game though. I still play older games.
graphics arent as important as gameplay...but wat is important to me graphics wise is optimization...if i can max crysis 2 w/dx11 and hi res textures at my native with acceptable frames...why cant i max da2 dx11 hi res textures...especially since its not amazing looking to begin with...a game should perform on par with its graphics...also...on console id rather have steady frames than that extra blur or lens flare or particle effect...
Graphics and presentation are crucial to an enjoyable gaming experience. Despite what idealists would tell you, they do matter. What would be more enjoyable: Skyrim using Doom visuals and animations or using today's standards? Gameplay is paramount but presentation is not far behind.
considering i am finding chrono trigger and ff7,8,9 to be better than most of the games i recently been playing, eventhough, i wouldnt mind if they made the graphics look like ff13
Seeing as I'm the type who likes to admire gaming environments, yeah, I pay attention to the graphics.....though not necessarily for the sake of scrutiny. But because I actually do like to look at the environments, if I see an unusually blocky texture, I sometimes think "hmm.....they probably could've done that a little better" :P
yeah, graphics are very important to me. the visuals in a game need to evoke something. it might be the dangerous vanity of bioshock depicted with current generation hardware power or it might be the absurd animations of super mario bros, but graphics are integral to my gameplay experience. i think of okami and how it would feel if my brush strokes werent visible in nature or if my vanquishing of the pollutants didnt give way to gorgeous soft colors and nature in bloom. it just wouldnt play right at all.
The way I see it is that I can excuse bad graphics if the games other assets are enough to entertain me. For the last two months, the DS has been my most-played system, so I don't care that much.
Graphics and presentation are crucial to an enjoyable gaming experience. Despite what idealists would tell you, they do matter. What would be more enjoyable: Skyrim using Doom visuals and animations or using today's standards? Gameplay is paramount but presentation is not far behind.
As long as the game itself is better than Oblivion, I don't really care about the shiny visuals. Why do you think lots of people still prefer Morrowind over Oblivion, lemme give you a hint, it's not the fancy graphics.
As long as the graphics are good / very good, that's fine with me. If it comes to spending several thousand hours to take the graphics from very good to fantastic, I'd much rather they spend that time adding more environments, fine tuning the gameplay, adding more missions to the single player campaign, fixing all the bugs, etc.
Graphics are everything, but I do prefer them to be easy on the eye. I don't want anything that looks too horrendous to the point where I can't focus on the game.
Graphics and presentation are crucial to an enjoyable gaming experience. Despite what idealists would tell you, they do matter. What would be more enjoyable: Skyrim using Doom visuals and animations or using today's standards? Gameplay is paramount but presentation is not far behind.
As long as the game itself is better than Oblivion, I don't really care about the shiny visuals. Why do you think lots of people still prefer Morrowind over Oblivion, lemme give you a hint, it's not the fancy graphics.
All things being equal in terms of gameplay, a game with better graphics is more enjoyable than one without.
I think people are lieing if they say that they pay absolutely no attention to graphics...I mean really?
Sure you may not be someone that really cares too much about graphics. But to say that you can play a game and not even notice or be bothered with how great/terrible they are, then I find that hard to believe.
I don't need good graphics if the game is perfect in all other ways (like Demon's Souls) but in other cases graphics have always been the most important thing in a game for me.
Awesome graphics are not essential but they do help you enjoy the experience more. You only have to look at the likes of Chrono Trigger - it is an awesome game story wise, mechanics wise and music wise, but graphically it is OK. I would accept a remake of this game with open arms if it was created with today's technology.
Graphics are pretty much the last thing I think about, yeah it's the first part of the game you experience, but it's a game, it's not all about the visuals, if it were a movie it would probably bother me alot more, as long as the game has a great story, gameplay, atmosphere, etc. I'll play it
I haven't played my 360 in a few weeks because i've spent my time playing through the N64 and GC Zelda games, the games are amazing and you won't hear me complaining about graphics on otherwise flawless games, I don't let it ruin my experience, but sometimes it can help make it better (Crysis 2)
I play Dwarf Fortress and Daggerfall regularly, so I can live without better graphics, though I always welcome it.
Graphics and presentation are crucial to an enjoyable gaming experience. Despite what idealists would tell you, they do matter. What would be more enjoyable: Skyrim using Doom visuals and animations or using today's standards? Gameplay is paramount but presentation is not far behind.
As long as the game itself is better than Oblivion, I don't really care about the shiny visuals. Why do you think lots of people still prefer Morrowind over Oblivion, lemme give you a hint, it's not the fancy graphics.
All things being equal in terms of gameplay, a game with better graphics is more enjoyable than one without.
true that...but hardly ever are games equal in everyway but graphics...my fav fps games of all time are ut99 and quake3 arena...id play a match of those games anyday before id play crysis 2 mp or blops...or even cs:source...id rather better gameplay with slightly worse graphics...
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