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I know what ya mean, although, I guess nothing is as good when your exhausted, I mean, I had one stressful week last week, I'm so glad it's over, but like you said, I was so exhausted, that I just said "I know games are relaxing, but I'd like something just a little less interactive" so I just turned on military or discovery channel (and if it was late at night, then probably comedy central or adult swim.) or I just got on the gamespot forums, hell, it's probably why I have so many damn posts. I'm bored and talkative lol.
Yea all my games are pretty engaging... I want to play, but I'm too tired to focus. Maybe I just watch videos or watch Forza races... I wonder if there's any chill out games where you just do whatever.Revelade
Besides the boring and stupid color matching games that pop-cap makes? Well now that I think about, the only game that really "relaxes" me, is Portal. I usually play games to blow off steam and have fun, never really "relax". Portal seemed to be the only game that really calmed me down though. The hillarity helped too lol.
Depends on the type of game. If its a mindless run and gun shooter, or an mmo, then yes, I enjoy them when I am tired.
If its a tactical/multiplayer shooter, rts, or deep rpg, or basically anything that requires reflexes/thought, then hell no. I zone out and watch tv or lurk on the GS forums.
I tend to play games when I'm tired,but after getting into them it happens that I no longer feel tired and just want to keep playing. Probably why I tend to vary between a 3 am bed time to a 7 am awake through work time. Wetall_basic
That's what's happening to me most of the time, if I chose to play a game late at night. However, there are times when I just can't face a screen, let alone play a game.
[QUOTE="microwavedapple"]Despite the health and safety in the game's manual telling me not to, I play games when I'm tired all the time. Heck, I had a 9 hour session playing Assassin's Creed that ended at 6am the other day.Jbul
9 hours? Damn bro, that's hardcore! :o
Thats nothing last Christmas when I got my Wii, my cousin and me had about a 10 hr Street Fighter duel. I maxed out the win count.[QUOTE="Jbul"][QUOTE="microwavedapple"]Despite the health and safety in the game's manual telling me not to, I play games when I'm tired all the time. Heck, I had a 9 hour session playing Assassin's Creed that ended at 6am the other day.FlaminDeath
9 hours? Damn bro, that's hardcore! :o
Thats nothing last Christmas when I got my Wii, my cousin and me had about a 10 hr Street Fighter duel. I maxed out the win count.Street Fighter for Wii? Is it a virtual console game? And did you play online, or in person?
I often play games late at night.
I was feeling a bit tired one night while playing Persona 3. I was in Tartarus fighting Shadows. I entered a battle with a few of them... and the next thing I remember is entering a battle with another group of Shadows. I couldn't even remember beating the other enemies.
So I figured maybe I should save and go to sleep. If I can't stay awake, I'm probably going to die pretty quickly.
I woke up one morning and my TV was on, controller poking at my rib cage and FF8 was on the screen. Good times, good times 8)L8erSquare
Yes, my sleep number also begins in FF.
I was thinking more in terms of games where you can take your own time. Say a board game. Rather than racing to be the first guy who blows someone head off, you could talk over some food and roll some dice or something. Closest I can think about is Free Play on some games like Forza or Tony Hawk, where you just do whatever.Revelade
Ultimate "free play" or sandbox IMO, is Garry's Mod, I love just screwing around with stuff on that game, like building Bathtub cars with cannons on them, and stuff like that lol.
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