I don't know about anyone else but I sure regret purchasing the Stimulus package. I will give IW credit, the 3 new maps are pretty decent but having the two maps return from COD 4 was just pointless. I played for awhile today and it seemed that Crash and Overgrown ended up in the rotation more than the new 3. If I wanted to play COD 4 I would have just put that game in my drive instead. The pricing of this DLC was way off. I would have charged 500 for the 3 maps and gave fans the Overgrown and Crash maps free. But I realize that IW had nothing to do with the pricing. It was the heads at Activision who said lets milk our COD fanbase for all they got. Why not make another 50 million on top of the billion we already made on the game, right? All, I know is at the end of the day I feel that I regret purchasing this content. When I make purchases like this I can't help but feel like I am encouraging a trend for companies to hold back content from the retail game in order to charge us for it later or just drive DLC prices up because they can get away with it. Well, Activision you have ripped me off for the last time as MW2 will most likely be the last COD title I will buy. I will be playing alot more BC 2 in months to come.
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