well i was thinking about it, if the MGS4 is the last MGS then what should kojima do?
im not sure he can make another great game like MGS series.
what do you think guys?
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well i was thinking about it, if the MGS4 is the last MGS then what should kojima do?
im not sure he can make another great game like MGS series.
what do you think guys?
The man lives for MGS. It's his obsession. To be honest, I don't think that he'll ever try and outdo himself with MGS by creating a new franchise.grarap
That's very true and also, didn't Kojima say he was giving up game design after MGS 4? or am I just hearing things?
well actually im not sure MGS4 is the last MGS. i just think all of these are fake.
but its sad if the MGS4 is the last game of this series. the only reason that i wanna buy PS3 is MGS4.
i was wondering what he will do after finishing MGS series, and thought maybe he will do the same thing as sakaguchi. creating another games. but i think that gonna suck if he create another games. though he is a great game designer or we better say game director.
Kojima sure has proved himself as a versatile developer, IMO. The Boktai series and Lunar Knights shows that he can be innovative and make games that are fun for all ages. Also, the Zone of the Enders series shows that Kojima can do some other cool things as well. Also, if you look at Wikipedia, it shows that Kojima worked on a ton of titles before he hit it big with MGS.
Of course the MGS series will always be Kojima's baby, but I really believe he can do something just as good once he retires from the series...that is, of course, he doesn't get death threats after MGS4. :P
To be honest I don't believe MGS4 will be the last game in the series anymore than I believe halo3 will.bugsonglass
[QUOTE="bugsonglass"]To be honest I don't believe MGS4 will be the last game in the series anymore than I believe halo3 will.rragnaar
God help us if Acid is to become the main metal gear series. I don't care for it at all.
[QUOTE="rragnaar"][QUOTE="bugsonglass"]To be honest I don't believe MGS4 will be the last game in the series anymore than I believe halo3 will.bugsonglass
God help us if Acid is to become the main metal gear series. I don't care for it at all.
[QUOTE="bugsonglass"][QUOTE="rragnaar"][QUOTE="bugsonglass"]To be honest I don't believe MGS4 will be the last game in the series anymore than I believe halo3 will.rragnaar
God help us if Acid is to become the main metal gear series. I don't care for it at all.
That's interesting to know, as I only tried the first game and absolutely loathed it and just assumed no2 was just more of the same. Acid 2 is quite cheap, considering, so I might try it at some point as I would love a strategy game on the PSP (Field Commander has been the worst let down ever for me)
i dont like acid series.
but im gonna get any game that kojima makes (not on portable platforms) kojima rocks one of the best game designers ever.... my opinion he is the best game designer.
i think we should wait and see what happens after the MGS4... it may be a lie that snakes gonna die. i remember after MGS3 in one of his interviews kojima said hes not the director of the series but after 6 months they anounced the MGS4. also in one trailer it shows snake kill himself but in another trailer it shows the young snake.... so as you can see kojima is not trustable =P
[QUOTE="rragnaar"][QUOTE="bugsonglass"][QUOTE="rragnaar"][QUOTE="bugsonglass"]To be honest I don't believe MGS4 will be the last game in the series anymore than I believe halo3 will.bugsonglass
God help us if Acid is to become the main metal gear series. I don't care for it at all.
That's interesting to know, as I only tried the first game and absolutely loathed it and just assumed no2 was just more of the same. Acid 2 is quite cheap, considering, so I might try it at some point as I would love a strategy game on the PSP (Field Commander has been the worst let down ever for me)
I can't wait for Final Fantasy Tactics, that should scratch my strategy itch.rragnaar
Me neither, especially since it was never released in europe the first time around so i have never played it. Think i'll also be getting Jeanne d' Arc, and the new Mana game on DS so I should be sorted with handheld strategy games for the foreseeable future.
wow if he took over ZOE than that would be AMAZING who ever did the second game was also very good but could have been better to anyone who hasnt played them they are deffinatley a good rental the second was much better than the first but dont skip out on the first because of it i wouldnt buy them cuz they are VERY short though...
Hopefully Kojima will work w/ Stan Lee and/or Ryuhei Kitamura (He worked on Metal Gear Solid The Twin Snakes and he has directed great martial arts movies such as Versus and Azumi (Kojima himself was in this one) Stan Lee and Hideo Kojima are friends and if my favorite vg director worked w/ The Man behind my two favorite superheroes, Spider-Man and The Hulk, then I know they would easily create a game that would be an instant classic. I just hope Kojima doesn't end up having anything to do with a Zone Of The Enders sequel. Those games are so boring.gunswordfist
shhhhhhhhhhh hold your um... fingers! the zoe were great!!! and a next gen one would be amazing!!!
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