Fallout: New Vegas is the best Bethesda published RPG this gen and it got a 7.5 here. Just sayin'.[QUOTE="AcidSoldner"][QUOTE="Metamania"]
Although my theory is highly unproven, companies and awards shows were more than likely paid off by Bethesda to give it GOTY and ignore everything else. Wishful thinking, I know, but it could very well be true.
Case in point; Game Informer gave Batman AC a 10 and I think Skyrim got a 9 or 9.5. And yet, it still won GOTY? Just because a game is vast and expansive doesn't necessarily mean it's a good game. Critics just simply don't get it.
Well, that's your opinion, friend. You must have loved that game enough to buy it.
And Fallout New Vegas did receive low scores...I don't think it won GOTY though from a lot of critics.
Also, to HipHopBeats, scores have NOTHING to do with GOTY. At all. A game like Batman: Arkham City had little to no flaws and did everything just about right. You take a look like Skyrim and there's some problems to be found within it, not just the bugs or glitches. Combat I found to be boring, they throw A LOT of fetch quests at you, most of them forced upon you without a choice, and I just didn't get the fun out of it. Also, like I said before; a world may be vast and expansive, but it all comes down to gameplay and how fun it is and you know what? I didn't get the fun I wanted out of the game at all. So it didn't deserve GOTY whatsoever, not in my viewpoint anyway. Thus, it is overrated and overhyped to death. ES shouldn't be the measuring stick that all RPGs, both Western and Japanese, should be judged by and unfortunately, that's the view of many critics...if it fails to beat Skyrim's standards, you're nothing. Sad.
I agree. I'm not saying it's wack, in fact I think it's a good game but I don't see how it's the magnum opus standard by which all future rpg's must measure up ad atone to. GOTY year awards seem to lean more towards fanboyism more than scores imo. Especially when you consider the game breaking bugs present at the time of release.
Somehow, no reviewer seemed to notice any of the game breaking bugs and quests glitches everyone else encountered shortly after release. Makes me wonder did they dive deep into Skyrim before review or just reviewed it based off fanboyism? For every other rpg review I've seen, bugs and glitches are mentioned almost immediately.
I haven't had a chance to dive into Batman Ac yet but from the little I played, it definitely seems to be a more well rounded game than Skyrim. Skyrim was fun for the 1st 30 hours or so but the delightfulness wore off quickly after the clunky combat and nonstop fetch quests.
I may actually have to get a new controller just to finish Skyrim since everytime I run or engage battle, the analog stick seems to press down into sneak mode making combat even more of a nightmare than it already is. I honestly had more fun with other games that were compared to Skyrim as the wgaming worlds and lore may not have been as detailed as ES games, but the actual gameplay kept me more committed.
I see a lot of people saying they had more fun with Oblivion than Skyrim. I've heard the leveling system in Oblivion is broken but I may check it out since it's only $20.
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