The N64 was far from a failure and while it wasn't as successful as the PS, it still had memorable games and sold pretty well. I compare FFVII and Golden Eye 007 because they came out the same year., 1997. texasgoldrush
Which is irrelevant since GoldenEye has absolutely nothing to do with FFVII and that they're both in 2 entirely different genres that bear no relevance to each other. The only reason why you're bringing up Goldeneye because you don't have a case to make for FFIV against FFVII. Did FFIV lure more casual gamers into the industry or singlehandedly cause a paradigm shift in the console wars like FFVII did? No.
I dunno....32 million units versus 102 million units sold seems to make the N64's numbers look woefully pathetic when compared to the PSOne's. Plus, the N64's dismal reception was what affected Nintendo to abandon utilizing cartridges for the GCN.
But it was GoldenEye winning the awards that year. How can you say FFVII is the best game ever when it wasn't the best game that year. True, IV was not as acclaimed when it was first released, its legacy and impact on the JRPG genre is noted in the gaming world, and VI is considered the pinnacle of storytelling in a JRPG. Most players who played every FF game consider either IV or VI the best ones. Plus IV was released in 1992, there weren't many video game publications and awards ceremonies then. Now we have 200+ video game publications....with many that honor the SNES FF's.
And yet, I see more action figures, fanfiction novels, wallscrolls, videogame spin-offs, character cameo appearances in other videogames, and movies for FFVII than any other FF title that came before it.
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