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I know I won't be popular but MGS' voice in my humble opinion SUCKS! Every single version of it for PS1 up to the the PS2 and xbox version, and Gamecube versions.
If Ihear that shrill scream Snake!!!!!!!!! SNAKEEEEEEEEEEE !!!!!!!!! I will kill that girl who does that part.
[QUOTE="vendettared468"]HOw can anybody say anything except Resident Evil?uncledeath2005
Easy. Resident Evil had about 10 speaking characters with bad acting and horrible dialogue...
Shenmue had about 90 speaking characters with bad acting and horrible dialogue
Recently I played through Symphony Of The Night and that one takes the crown. Not only for the voice acting but the script too.... its like beyond b movie bad. Still amazing game but ...... ... ouch...just ouch.GodModeEnabled
Die, monster!
"You, Jill, the master of unlocking, might need it"Untitled182
:lol: Classic!
I think Disgaea 2 has some horrible voice acting. It's the only game I've considered playing entirely in Japanese. I still kept it in the English voice overs because I don't like Japanese vocie actors' squeaky and screaming voices.
Oh dear me, where shall I ever begin:
Dynasty Tactics, Valkyrie Profile, VP 2, Star Ocean 2, Star Ocean 3, Resident Evil, RE2, RE3, RE: Code Veronica, Clock Tower, Silent Hill, SH4, Koudelka
Its all about "Jill sandwich" and "Master of Unlocking" baby!
[QUOTE="GodModeEnabled"]Recently I played through Symphony Of The Night and that one takes the crown. Not only for the voice acting but the script too.... its like beyond b movie bad. Still amazing game but ...... ... ouch...just ouch.SteelAttack
Die, monster!
Yeah? Well you're "a miserable pile of secrets," so there!:P
Just about every light gun game ever made. visionary
House of the Dead III on XBOX was a good laugh. What's surprising is how a C-list game Resident Evil: Dead Aim arguably has better voice overs than the main series.
House of the Dead 2
Nothing Beats This.
winner :lol: House of the Dead 3 and 4 actually had passable voice acting
A recent bad one is enchanted arms.
Seriously though, why put bad voice acting in a game? It's part of the overall artistic experience and poor voice acting is just as bad as poor art design or poor music or poor gameplay.
I'd much rather choose no voice acting over bad voice acting. At least when I'm reading the voices sound right in my mind.
Surprised no-one here's mentioned the Mega Man games. Absolutely amateur and atrocious.
Go find audio of "WHAT AM I FIGHTING FOR!?" from one of the X games. Best, quote, ever..
Evil Islands (bad voice acting, probably the worst I've seen in any pc game... but the game itself is excellant after you get into it)
Sudeki (i could barely stand it, decent voices would have helped the game)
Enchanted Arms (terrible for the most part... the Ice queen had a hot voice though)
Sonic Adventure, jebus H crackers that game has some horrific voice acting.
The Resident Evil remake on the Cube was pretty horrific, considering. In fact most Capcom games tend to have bad voice acting.
There's one woman in Oblivion who really annoys me. She's got this dead strong American accent and it just doesn't fit in my opinion.
The fact no one in this thread has mentioned Last Alert means that everyone in this thread has been fortunate enough not to hear it (the gameplay/game design merely mediocre but the voice acting was abysmal). I'll remedy that right now. You haven't truly suffered until you've heard what sounds like the same guy trying a variety of accents on for size (i.e. 'evil asian dude, ignorant hick and snobby white guy').
Yeah I did...I´m German,so I heard more then a few awful voices...MGS1 and a Might and Magic-Part (had two actors for ALL voices)on the PS1 are legendary...actually there aren´t more then a few good ones.
Bad English-voice acting is usually pretty good,but FFXII was,exept the Main-Characters who were great,awful.Sometimes you could even hear how it should have sounded right.Rassler (or so don´t remember the name,the Prince that got killed in the opening) had the worst voice ever.There a few other bad voice-actings out there,but that´s the only one that came into my mind right now.
Enchanted Arms also had some bad voice acting but the thing is I really like bad voice acting make me chuckle non stop LOLAnabub
If you had played it a bit longer...later the game(around 10h) the voice-acting get´s MUCH better and it gets(belive it or not)one of the best syncronised RPGs out there (not beating Grandia 1,2 and 3 which wasmaybe the best-voiced).Of course the funny quotes do their part too,but overall I was impressed,which didn´t happen for a loooong time.
Symphony of the Night. Overall the game was brilliant, but the voice acting was glaring flaw that was pretty tough to ignore. Richter is so bad you can't help but cringe everytime he speaks.Robio_basic
Well at least I know I'm not the only one who thought games like Star Ocean and Baten Kaitos had bad voice acting.
My addition to bad voice acting in a game is Tales of Symphonia. I couldn't stand it and quit playing the game because of how bad the voice acting was. Yuk!!
Well, I have nothing to add really. Just RE and Shenmue from anything I recall.
I really wonder how these games get such bad VO. Like really, I think they could pick any shmuck off the street, tell them generally what has happened just before that line (so if the character is hurt, tired, whatever) and they could read the line better.
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