01. [WII] Super Mario Galaxy (Nintendo) - 256,000 / NEW
02. [360] Ace Combat 6 (Bandai Namco) - 67,000 / NEW
03. [NDS] Final Fantasy Tactics A2 (Square Enix) - 52,000 / 210,000
04. [NDS] DS Nishimura Kyotaro (Tecmo) - 21,000 / 96,000
05. [PS2] Super Robot Taisen Scramble Commander the 2nd (Banpresto) - 20,000 / NEW
06. [NDS] Pokemon Mysery Dungeon Toki/Yami (Pokemon) - 19,000 / 1,030,000
07. [NDS] DS Bungaku Zenshuu (Nintendo) - 19,000 / 79,000
08. [WII] Wii Sports (Nintendo) - 17,000 / 2,074,000
09. [WII] Wii Play (Nintendo) - 16,000 / 1,632,000
10. [PS2] Ar tonelico II (Banpresto) - 14,000 / 82,000
12. [NDS] 250-Mannin no Kanken (IE Institute) - 13,000 / NEW
16. [NDS] Dragon Tamer: Sound Spirits (Bandai Namco) - 10,000 / NEW
18. [NDS] Kanken DS 2 (Rocket Company) - 9,000 / 98,000
20. [WII] Ghost Squad (Sega) - 8,300 / 25,000
21. [PS2] Dragon Ball Z: Sparking! Meteor (Bandai Namco) - 7,600 / 281,000
22. [NDS] My Housekeeping Diary (Nintendo) - 7,200 / 267,000
26. [WII] Mario Party 8 (Nintendo) - 6,800 / 877,000
29. [NDS] Sangokushi DS II (Koei) - 6,600 / NEW
30. [PSP] Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII (Square Enix) - 6,200 / 729,000
DSL 80,000
PSP 57,000
Wii 41,000
360 17,000
PS3 16,000
PS2 11,000
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