Well, when I was still in school, my friend and I would constantly debate aboutwhat was thebest Final Fantasy game ever.
"It's VII!" My friend says. "No game can touch its gameplay or its story. It's created a legacy, and it has the most badass villain of all time to boot! The story is full of crazy plot twists and awesome moments, like when Cloud learns that he has Zack's memories inside of him. It's perfect."
"Pardon me, but are you on acid?" I retort. "VI is the greatest. Kefka makes Sephiroth look like a total pansy. And the gameplay and the story? No contest. I didn't cry when Aerith died, but I was bawling like a little baby whenCyan watched his family pass on."
Then he resorts to petty insults. "Kefka is a bald clown. Sephiroth is a swordsman with the coolest sword ever! And besides, there's more to the story than Aerith's death."
I respond, "Way to derail the argument.Yes, VII is a good game, but VI'sstory is still the greatest, and you really connect with the individual characters. Barrett was too busy cussing and being a racial stereotype to make me care about him. Aerith just... died. Tifa was the token hot love interest. And don't get me started on Clou-"
Then I was cut off by my other friend, who insisted that XII is the best FF ever... :|
So, these are the games in the main poll, with IV thrown in because it's second only to VI in my heart. I want to know what you guys think is the greatest ever. Sorry if I left your favorite out in the main four (don't kill me, fans of X!).
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