For me it was MGS3. My all time favorite game, beat it 30 times. I was just browsing the selection at the store one day and saw it, bought it, played it, loved it.
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For me it was MGS3. My all time favorite game, beat it 30 times. I was just browsing the selection at the store one day and saw it, bought it, played it, loved it.
Batman: Arkham Asylum. This game struck me like a ton of bricks with how much I enjoyed it. I couldn't believe what an excellent video game that was. I don't even remember how I got it. It was less than a year ago that I played and fell in love with this stellar title, exquisite on all fronts.
batman AA. wasn't even planing on ever getting it at first, the day it came out i was like screw it i'll pick it up, good choice.
I'm gonna go with Assassin's Creed 2. I played the first one, enjoyed the story, but hated the repetitiveness of it. I bought AC2 but didn't touch it for a couple of months before I decided to give it a whirl. At first, I wasn't impressed, but it wasn't too long before it had started becoming one of my favorite games ever.
I never made the jump from Hard to Expert but I'm satisfied.El_Zo1212oI'm actually at the point now where I can get 90%+ on the most difficult expert songs on guitar on Rock Band. A bit of practice every day pays off. You should check out Rock Band 3, amazing game and its a step up from Rock Band 2.
Silent Hill Shattered Memories, bought it out of boredom and wasn't expecting anything, I absolutely loved it, one of my favorite games this gen. meetroid8
I agree with this. While I did have hype for it, it just blew my away. While I scored the game an 8, I feel it's a 9.5. I just couldn't, in good faith, score it so high, because there were some issues with the game. But I love it! Such a deep and thought provoking story, and a soundtrack that beats out most other games and movies.
Arkham Asylum.
I picked it up in a Steam sale, not expecting much. Quickly became one of my favourite games of recent years.
The Last Express. I bought it because, at the time, I was supposed to use only my computer for educational purposes, and its historical setting was... vaguely educational. It's actually one of my all-time favourite games, and probably the most unusual game ever to get completely ignored by the entire gaming community.Oilers99
I played that one over the christmas holidays and...yeah, it totally blew me away.
I'm honestly surprised that it doesn't get more praise around here - sure, it's a little aimless and unforgiving at times, but the concept and design are simply brilliant.
It's strange to think about people still call The Sands of Time and Heavy Rain revolutionary, when The Last Express did both of them and more at the same time.
Anyway, as for my favourite of recent memory, I might have to go with Deadly Premonition on this one. I've bought plenty of strange games that turned out to be awesome, but I can't remember another game that I bought purely as a joke, only to end up loving (almost) every minute of it.
On first impressions I could only describe it as 'terrible', but somewhere down the line the line that swapped to 'terribly engaging', and now it stands as probably my all-time favourite Xbox 360 game.
Hotel Dusk. Decided to check it out on a whim a few years back and ended up loving it. Great game. One of the DS's best. Real shame they haven't brought the sequel over State-side.
Warcraft 3 and Diablo 2 (same day)- My dad took me to a PC swap meat back in 2003, little did I know about any PC games, he picked up both for me cause they were on sale, feel in love with them.
MW3- didn't really have hype for another MW game, but i'm glade I bought it
Uncharted- didn't know about it tell a friend of a friend (whos a huge ps3/pc fanboy) told me about it
Vampire: The Masquerade Bloodlines. Got it on the Halloween Steam sale, and was plesently surprised.
I can name two...
Resident Evil 4 - I wasn't really into the series anymore but decided to rent the game because I had pretty much played everything else that I wanted. It ended up being in my top 3 favourite games of all time. It's... it's... INCREDIBLE.
Hitman Blood Money - Wasn't a fan of series previously, played Silent Assassin and Contracts but found they were slightly broken in the gameplay department but I picked up Blood Money on 360 and fell in love with it, easily one of the best games I've ever played. Have finished the game around 15 times now.
DiRT 2. I didn't play it until midway into 2010, so I didn't really here any buzz about it & I had no idea who Codemasters were before playing this title. It literally blew my mind right from the "press start" screen & obviously it only got better from there.
NIER. After seeing a picture of a cozy looking building with a horizontal side-scroller view, I was interested. Then I saw that the protagonist was an ugly older man compared to the Japanese, androgynous, late-teen looking character, because the thought the older man would appeal to the western audience more. I then saw the 5.0 score given by Gamespot. All my hype was gone, but something... Something kept drawing me to it & I bought it shortly after its release.
It's now one of my favourite games of all time. I was also so glad we got the "father" protagonist instead of the "brother"; it suited the game more in my opinion. Nier is also one of my favourite protagonists now as well. Grimoire Weiss, Kaine and Emile are one of my favourite cast of characters in a video game also. The game had a fantastic story, including some surprisingly deep side quests (story wise) that get written off by many as fetch quests by many. I loved the game world and actually enjoyed the combat. Pretty much every little intricacy of NIER clicked with me; even the fishing.
But the soundtrack. Wow.. I'm actually listening to it right now, and do so regularly. It's fantastic. Easily the best released in 2010, despite what Gamespot with it's love for Rockstar and RDR may believe.
Heroes of Might & Magic III, I didn't know much about it but after playing it I was pleasantly suprised and still play it today even though it was released in 1999. To me it's one of the greatest p.c. games of all time.
Gears of War 1 or StrangleHold.
My friend bugged me to buy Gears, I had never looked it up or heard anything about it until he told me to buy it. I just went to the store, bought it, played it, & loved it. It has to be my favorite online multiplayer game ever. I think I bought it on release day too.
For StrangleHold, I was at BestBuy looking at some games, & saw this game with this awesome looking cover. So I pretty much bought it from the look of the cover, but I have to say, This has to be one of my all time favorite xbox 360 games ever. Your probably thinking, StrangleHold? But yeah, I loved it for some reason. The online was really fun too, probably because I dominated on it :P I have every achievement for it also, including the dlc achievements.
Dead Space! I had vaguely heard about the game, saw a friend of mine playing but didn't get immediately interested! One day, (with nothing to do, no game to play), i decided to give it a try!
It became my number One game in recent years! This generation need more serious Horror games like Dead Space!
And the other was Mirror's Edge! Till today i don't know how Gamespot only gave it a 7! Sure it had his flaws (melee/gun combat was terrible), but in other ways the game was revolutionary (GoodTheme Song also)!
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