As I get older I have a harder time with suspension of disbelief.
I gain more knowledge and raise my standards for what I consider to be of good quality.
I remember playing FFX when it first came out and as a teen I enjoyed the gameplay and story, but when I went back to replay it a couple of years ago my impression of the game was a lot different.
The voice acting seemed a whole lot worse, the script was poorly done and the characters seemed too unrealistic for me to connect with.
I used to love JRPGs but I rarely touch them anymore because of how unrealistic the premise of just about every game is with teenagers being able to save the world.
It reminds me of a book I read where one of the characters was a female in her late teens who only had a few months of training with a sword and bow yet was easily able to take on multiple elite hardened guards who had decades of war experience.
Most kids would not be critical of such stuff and think it was "awesome!" but I just cringe when I see stuff like that in a story driven game that is trying to take itself seriously.
Some games I can ignore for being ridiculous if they are not trying to be serious about it at all but those games are few.
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