Well, I played a few hours of FFXIII and here's what I think so far:
- Graphics are great. The 360 version looks fantastic, although FMV cut-scenes do look low-res. SE still did a fantastic job in porting it to the 360. I'm sure the PS3 version kicks this bucket to the curb, but it's still mightily strong enough to hold water.
- I like the battle system. It's fast, doesn't drag, and the animation is great! But it is feeling like a one-button masher right now. I'm sure it'll open up and get better later on.
- Sazh is pretty funny and him and Lightning are my favorite characters in the game so far. The voice actor for Sazh is the best and I like his personality and one-liners.
- The animation and character models are excellent! Dragon-Age pales in comparison to Square-Enix's subtle touches in these characters in the way they move, speak, gestures, and interactions. Dragon-Age animation looks like Legos stop-motion animated by a five year old compared to FFXIII's masterful animation. Harsh words, but it's true! :P Fable 2 on the other hand does have good animation and the imagination of a good fantasy.
- The game is very linear, but it's like FFX, so I'm used to it.
- The writing is pretty terrible, to be honest. Snow's lines are just cringe-worthy. Who says things like, "I'm the hero," in this day and age!? This isn't a 80's Saturday morning cartoon for crying out loud!
- People say Vanille is annoying, but she's not that bad. Snow is worse, IMO. I mean, is this SE's idea of a cool character? Whatever! At least he doesn't look metro and looks like a dude! :P
- This is where Dragon-Age is stronger in that the open-ended world, writing, and being a true RPG. Although which game one would prefer obviously is based on personal preference. Luckily I'm enjoying both for the different experiences they bring.
Final Thoughts:
Overall, the game is enjoyable but I already know that it won't end up being my favorite FF in the series. But it's definitely not the worst *cough* FFVIII *cough*. The character of Lightning makes the game worth playing because she's a refreshing change to the bleach-blond male characters in recent FF games. FFVI will always be my personal favorite and it's the first FF with a female lead. So seeing Lightning as another female lead is what captured my interest the most.
The game is very accessible and I can't say whether that's a bad thing or a good thing. Why? Because the game is relaxing to play. You don't have to deal with the complicated mess in WRPGs for instance. It's one of those games where you just want to play it because you want to kick-back on a weekend or a sleepless night. After hours of playing Battlefield Bad Company 2, throwing a angry fit because of sniper spammers, cheap deaths, and getting kicked by EA's crappy servers, playing FFXIII afterwards is a nice change of pace to cool down. It's kind of a good feeling and therapeutic.
It kind of is like watching a movie. And I know I criticized the game of being as such, but playing it through, it's not as bad as I thought.
I will say this. Although the game could've been better, especially after 4 years in development, it's still worth playing as a FF and JRPG fan. Even though I won't take back or eat my words of concern or criticism toward Square-Enix, I do admit that the game does enough to keep me interested to play it through. That may sound like a contradiction, and I'm not hating on the game. But it's good, not great, but still a game I'm glad I bought, let's just say.
I think the game is a 9/10 just because the art, graphics, visuals, presentation, animation, character models are top-notch, and perhaps the most beautiful game I've played this gen. But when I brake it down as a JRPG...it's about a 7 to me, because it's not a game but more like a...I hate to say this again...a movie...but a good one, in a anime sort of way.
So a 9 because it's a FF game, but a 7 because it's really not...if that makes sense!
But at the end, because it's still a game I'm enjoying...I see myself giving it a 9. 8)
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