Half-Life 2 - Friendly NPCs can sometimes group up in corridors. The highway section runs a bit too long.
Grim Fandango - Tank controls. Some bugs.
Shadow of the Colossus - Some camera control issues. Controls on the horse aren't as smooth as they could have been, especially during sharp turns during battles.
Planescape Torment - Occasional bugs. Almost, turns you into a cynic of other games people hail as having "great stories" since other games storylines and dialogue pale in comparison to this game, even over a decade later.
System Shock 2 - Killer psy-monkeys seemed kinda lame. Cliffhanger ending which will never be resolved.
Okami - Brilliant and amazing game, but man, some of the cutscenes and dialogue go on...and on...and on.
Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines - Really buggy upon release, pretty much requires a community patch to be playable and the last portion of the game is was so unpolished and rushed, you might as well cheat through the latter area. Clunky controls, combat and UI. Poor character animations. Graphics haven't aged well, despite being on Source Engine. Areas feel constricted and tiny, especially since it's supposed to be L.A.. Latter portion of the game feels rushed and lacks polish and pales in comparison to the great first half (though the great ending makes up for this).
The Longest Journey - Some puzzles are completely nonsense. Beginning drags a little.
Prince of Persia (2008 ) - The crappy epilogue DLC. No sequel yet despite cliffhanger ending in both the main game and epilogue DLC.
Beyond Good & Evil 2 - Cliffhanger ending that has yet to be resolved.
Silent Hill 1 / 2 / 3 - Tank controls.
Silent Hill - The voice acting is pretty bad.
Silent Hill 2 - Seemingly minor and inconsequential things can have a MAJOR impact on the ending you get without any real indication the player of choice. For example, simply examining a seemingly simple item in your inventory a certain number of times can have a major impact can swing your towards a completely different ending then what you were leaning towards.
KotOR - Playing "dark side" doesn't feel as complex as it could of been. To me, instead of coming off as a clever form of evil, you simply come off as a big jerk.
BioShock - The "evil" ending is completely stupid and makes no sense...and the "good" ending, though technically decent enough, has the sort of cheese factor like something out of a sappy Lifetime TV movie.
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