Heres A List Of The Top 200 featured in game informer's 200th Issue. Least To (So Called) Greatest... with my comments of it...
1 -- The Legend of Zelda [NES, 1987] "Not Satisfyed, of all games, why Legend Of Zelda? i see much bigger games within a few columns below. why not a modern gen game?"
2 -- Super Mario Bros. [NES, 1985] "It Was Just Fine. again, not a big fan on NES games at the top."
3 -- Tetris [PC, 1984] "time passer, but not very appreciated."
4 -- Grand Theft Auto III [PS2, 2001] - "i dont even like GTA." {Fact}: this is the cover i got.
5 -- Half-Life 2 [PC, 2004] "now here's a game a I DEFINETLY agree with in the top 5. great, just great." {Fact}: this is the cover i wanted.
6 -- Doom [PC, 1993] "Dwane Johnson Kicks Alien Ass... Eh."
7 -- Metroid [NES, 1986] - "HOT HOT HOT HOT!"
8 -- Final Fantasy III [SNES, 1994] "Ah Man, i wanted Final Fantasy II for Xbox."
9 -- Super Mario Bros. 3 [NES, 1990] "I Liked The First one better. the second one was horrid though."
10 -- Ms. Pac-Man [coin-op, 1981] "this is a mod not a game!!!"
11 -- World of Warcraft [PC, 2004] "when you start playing this, make sure you dont go in your mom in dads basement."
12 -- The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past [SNES, 1992] "never heard of this particular LOZ."
13 -- Super Mario 64 [N64, 1996] "ah, theres one of those GREAT ones."
14 -- Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare [PS3/360/PC, 2007] - "the original to a sequel that over sold. friggin sweet."
15 -- Final Fantasy VII [PS, 1997] "i still want FF II for xbox!!"
16 -- Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!! [NES, 1987] "Mike Tyson? Mik- WTF"
17 -- Chrono Trigger [SNES, 1995] "dont know about it, not gonna comment!"
18 -- Resident Evil 4 [GameCube, 2005] "if this is RE 4, then what came out recently?? im serious remind me."
19 -- Metal Gear Solid [PS, 1998] "!"
20 -- The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time [N64, 1998] "i have this in a box somewhere :3"
21 -- Super Metroid [SNES, 1994] "hooray, samus"
22 -- Contra [NES, 1988] - "dont know about it, not gonna comment!"
23 -- Galaga [coin-op, 1981] - "Dad's Favorite"
24 -- Castlevania: Symphony of the Night [PS, 1997] "dont know about it, not gonna comment!"
25 -- Street Fighter II [coin-op, 1991] "i still feel that Marvel Vs Capcom 2 deserves it..."
26 -- God of War [PS2, 2005] "i know in the beginning of one of this series, u can have sex before the game starts..."
27 -- BioShock [360/PC, 2007] "EEEEEEEEEEK!"
28 -- Diablo II [PC, 2000] "brother played this"
29 -- Half-Life [PC, 1998] ":D freemans mind!"
30 -- The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivious [360/PC, 2006] "dont know about it, not gonna comment!"
31 -- Tecmo Super Bowl [NES, 1991] "dont know about it, not gonna comment!"
32 -- GoldenEye 007 [N64, 1997] "ah, James Bond, awsome."
33 -- Super Mario Kart [SNES, 1992] "lol?"
34 -- Sonic the Hedgehog [Genesis, 1991] "started a generation"
35 -- Starcraft [PC, 1998] "this is gone by now, im sure..."
36 -- Civilization [PC, 1991] "dont know about it, not gonna comment!"
37 -- SimCity [PC, 1989] "hooray for sim- wait did you say sim city? >_
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