I know there are a few titles in between then, and I still need to get some games (such as Crysis 2 and WWE All Stars), but I am actually looking forward to the Resident Evil-filled Winter I will be having with Operation Raccoon City, and the re-releases of RE4 and CV:X on my Xbox 360 :D. Not only that, but there is Gears of War 3, Modern Warfare 3, Battlefield 3, Duke Nukem Forever, L.A. Noire, WWE SmackDown! vs. RAW 2012 (not officially announced, but there has been SD! games every Christmas since SD2: Know Your Role on the PS1 (which then became SmackDown! vs. RAW)... soo many games! lol. But yeah, at the minute I am going to stick and say Resident Evil. Starting with Operation Raccoon City :).
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