Grateful for the fun games played across any and all systems that have come and gone in my life from the arcades to the modern generation. Hard working developers making amazing games, and yes even the companies that help get these projects off the ground with financial support.
*I've never really disliked hardware honestly (maybe VR but for very particular reasons) have spent much of my gaming time playing many platforms and found fun with many. Owned Xboxs, Nintendo hardware, PlayStations, and a few P.C. rigs.
Yet feel a lot of the negativity is due to brand loyalty (which itself is ********) and buyers remorse. Which could be for a variety of reasons, my guess on forums like these is they had childhood bullies that played games on competitive platforms, so feel the need to dismiss or lash out at anything those rival brands bring-out (butthurt mentality)
& yes we've all seen these too: when someone invests heavily into a top of the line P.C. then feel the need to justify the purchase and shame anyone who spent less on a P.C. "Potato P.C" or 'gasp' those who play on a console. Usually attempting to justify petty small-dick energy with "I want a 'playable' framerate".
It's all kinda stupid. Don't care what the persons preferred platform is SEGA, MicroSoft, Nintendo, Sony, Valve, SNK.. It's all games, why be so narcissistic and egotistical to not value what matters; gaming. Instead focusing on the pieces of plastic you invested in.
At the end of the day regardless what you value in gaming, we all like gaming. Stop being a bitter **** and enjoy chatting about games.
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