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Having just beaten it for the first time this morning, Vagrant Story. Probably not going to happen at this point, but never mind. Also, Skies of Arcadia; a sequel to that is long overdue, and I am starting to lose patience.
Shenmue, it really must be finished.thunderf00t
This too. If God ever gives humanity a choice between ending all conflict, want and suffering, and finishing off the Shenmue saga - well, let's just hope I'm not asked to make that decision.
I'd like to see Too Human get continued. It ended in preparation for a sequel, but with the way the game was recieved I'm a bit worried.
The game had potential, too, just godawful control/camera and too few levels.
A sequel for Star Wars: Battlefront 2. Alot of people want it yet they're not making it.LightR
totally agree. It's from when I finished the game that I want to see a sequel, yet there is none.
The Darkness would be good. Thief as well, although that will be arriving in due time. I'd like to see Legacy of Kain get revived.
As long as they don't bring back those cheap n nasty animated cutscenes. Weaknes the story too much, they had a lovley ingame engine, the lazy bastards should use it.Mirror's Edge. It wasn't perfect but I think a sequel could be pretty great.
I agree with the guy that said Syndicate, fantastic ideas in that game its a shame i cant play it anymore (stupid compatability issues)
Dungeon Keeper and Populous the Begining... In fact BRING BACK BULLFROG!
Ocarina of Time does have a sequal called Majoras Mask, thats the game that should have the sequel
would like to see another oddworld game.. was looking forward to the oddworld movie and game 'citizen siege'.. but have heard nothing about it's release lately
A sequel for Star Wars: Battlefront 2. Alot of people want it yet they're not making it.LightR
Sence pademic was bought by ea.Pademic gave title to lucas arts of rebillion.But now no one knows who has battlefront 3
Also prototype the ending needed a 2nd.I don't knowif there making a 2nd tho.
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