~PS4~Just remembered Metal GearSolid TPP.For $5 bucks lol.
My God what a game.. I broke every single non MMO hours played record ive ever had. For Sure!! Maybe 1000 hours easy.. I still didn't unlock every eapon/item..
To this very day MGS V is handsDown the best incorporation of MP intot he Single Player experience..
FOB mode is/should be in many other games for sure... If the guys base you are invading is online= he gets an alert flashing on his screen with the option to go and defend his base... He can respawn with a 1 minute timer, the attacker doesn't get a respawn.
Usually the guy isn't online but it's always exciting when he is/was...
*You can capture his high ranked badguys instead of killing them...Either way he loses them from his base..
And you're overall game rank status is base don the math X amount of ponts for a S soldier,,More if he's S+ and so on.
And you haveta be X amount of points to unlock/buy this weapon or this upgrade..
*Same with resources... I arrived late to the MGS V party so there we're still alot of people playing a yearor 2 after launch but not the large amounts of noobs like @launch. WHich meant most you encountered we're Bad2TheBone.
A really fun open world and it was fun to play a good stealth game like that..
Wish i could do it again.. Shame we wil never get more since Kojima was hate-perma bounced & Konami is 100% into mobile MicroTransaction gaming..
~Dead Island. I got so sucked into grinding + farming-routes for uber legendary weapons that this gave the game almost a extra month of full time gameplay... Bets part was i found out that Dead Island Riptide came out a month later..
Picked it up really cheap from Gamestop...
DeadIsland Riptide sucked but it was $49. but you could get the collectors edition for $110 more which i did & i still use that mini suitcase to this very day in my car as my Organizer for phone,lighter,pen,deoderant etc.. Yeah Riptide sucked though..
~~~Recently~ Void Bastards for PC. Got in humble BUndle and ended up relly enjoying it..
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