I was having an interesting conversation with my friends on xbox live yesterday. We were all chatting in an xbox live party and were anticipating the release of L.A Noire when one of my buddies asked if the game included multiplayer. Immediately groans and moans started, included from myself. Basically, we were saying it doesn't matter if there isn't multiplayer; it's going to be a great game. My friend who asked about multiplayer said that he refuses to buy single player-only games unless it was an RPG.
I was actually frustrated with my friend for saying such a thing. Personally, I feel as though if a game has a quality single player experience, I will suppport the developer/publisher by buying the game, regardless of whether it has multiplayer or not. But, I started thinking, and I realized that my friend is definitely not alone. Today, let's be real here, most games have multiplayer. Many publishers feel as though in order for their game to sell, they need to stick that multiplayer bullet on the back of the box. Let's take the Assassin's Creed franchise for example, the first two games were an amazing experience in my opinion. Great games, but when Assassin's Creed Brotherhood rolled around, it had multiplayer. Granted, the multiplayer was great and innovative in my opinion; I really liked it. But did it really need it? What do you guys think? Will you not buy a game if it doesn't have multiiplayer? Do you agree with what I said? If not, why? Does a game have to have a minimum number of hours in single player for you to buy it if it doesn't have multiplayer. Would you rather rent the game if it doesn't have multiplayer? Anything else? Post your thoughts!
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