If I were to name one or two by console, it would be something like this.
Intellivision, Night Stalker, the first game that intimidated me.
NES, Super Mario Brothers, the first love of many. Mega Man 2 was pretty much love at first sight as well.
SNES, Super Mario World, Final Fantasy II and III.
Genesis, Phantasy Star 2 and 3, they just felt so epic at the time, 3 in particular.
N64, unfortunately this was the system that ended my love affair with Nintendo, nothing really reached out and grabbed me.
Playstation, Final Fantasy VII, played it for almost 30 hrs over the first two days, called in sick to work the second day I owned it. Also Resident Evil, RE2 and Metal Gear Solid, Final Fantasy Tactics, couldn't stop playing any of them.
PS2 Vice City was probably the most instant and longest lasting addiction here, others that took me on extended trips out of the real world would be FFX and Persona 3.
In the arcades the games that took the most quarters from me were SFII, MKII and House of the Dead (any of them.)
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