[QUOTE="S0lidSnake"][QUOTE="MarcusAntonius"][QUOTE="rragnaar"][QUOTE="MarcusAntonius"] Call me when Guerilla puts out a game that isn't terrible.MarcusAntonius
I thought Killzone Liberation was far from terrible, so what's your number?:P
Kidding. I see your point though. The first Killzone wasn't that good, so I understand why people are skeptical, and Resistance 2 had a lousy showing at E3.
Its not like I'm anti-Sony or anything, but what really tightens my jaws is the short memories gamers seem to have. What? A third-rate developer puts out some flashy videos that were proceeded a year back by a fake trailer and now Guerrilla Games is an elite developer and suddenly KZ2 is a highly anticipated follow up? What a load of horse ****. Dennis Dyack only wishes he could fleece gamers like that. KZ2 may actually turn out well, it might not, but one thing is true, Guerrilla deserves the detriment of the doubt until they prove themselves otherwise.
The first Resistance was an average game at best, but R2 sure has more of a leg to stand on that KZ2.
So you played KZ1 and Nam 67, good, talk about how bad they were all you want. But you havent played R2 and KZ2 while Gametrailers have. it doesnt matter how bad Gurreilla's last games were because people have PLAYED the new one and it's impressed them. You haven't, you've just seen videos and played the original. Forgive me for thinking that sequels can be an improvement over the original. :|
Now with R2, it did have an unimpressive showing, but like with Heavy Rain, RE5, Fallout 3 etc. more R2 stuff was shown behind closed doors and THAT convinced them R2 was the best FPS at E3. Again we didnt see it, but that's why the reporters were there.
There goes my point, you missed it. Reread my post and you just might catch on.
My post was more in response to what you wrote earlier :
"The FPS list was clearly put together by a rabid Sony fanboy. Killzone 2 and Resistance 2 over Project Origin? What a joke. Call me when Guerilla puts out a game that isn't terrible. They don't even compare to Monolith."
I think they nominated Project Origin for best FPS, they just happened to enjoy R2 more.
Killzone 2 won the award for Best Graphics, and I dont know about you but us "gamers" are just as skeptical about the gameplay, it's the graphics we're going nuts over. The art style, animation, the lighting, the character models and the blur effect make the more CG like than any-other game out there. Crysis Warhead might be the best looking game at E3, but nothing looks like Killzone 2. Still, and you can choose to not believe me, but us Killzone 2 fans do have reservations about the gameplay and that's why we dissect each and every single vid looking at AI routines, level design and whatnot. No one is sold over Killzone 2 yet, we're just amazed at how good it looks. and so is gametrailers.
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