So i stumbled across this article about a guy that didn't really play games during the last generation and started to play again and came over these 4 big tropes that have become a big thing during the last gen.
There aren't any mascots for the consoles or games anymore that realy appeal to children like they used. Like Crash, Sonic, etc. The only big one we have gotten is Sackboy during the last gen that really stood out. They aren't memorable anymore, and i think that is sad in a way.
The games also do a lot of handholding compared to earlier. Now i don't see the issue with this with most games, but when you get hints all of the time and tutorials, tips, etc all the time, then that can become bothersome for some players such as myself.
Consoles that break down and games that don't work. He uses the 360 and Skyrim as examples. The 360 had a 33% fail rate when it was at the worst, but compared to earlier consoles, they worked just fine without any problems. I didn't have any real problems myself with consoles up until this recent generation of games where two of my 360 died for various reasons. He also brings up the point that Skyrim was unbearable to play. He couldn't load the game and play it. With recent games like Arkham, Battlefield and others that have game breaking bugs and need to be patched post-launch and there are still issues does give you an interesting view where gaming has gone.
Games will also play themselves. He brings up Ryse when it comes to executions where you can't fail, Bayonetta and the new 2D Super Mario Bros. Games that hold your hand so tight that you can't fail, even on the easiest difficulties
What do you think, has gaming changed that much?
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