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well, I would recommend switching to PC gaming. This isnt the PC gamer in me speaking, btw, this is because I feel its the best option for your disabilities.
it sounds like your left arm (keyboard) is fine, and your right needs some assistance. Moving a mouse around is, imo, a lot easier than operating a controller. Instead of tucking your arms in front of you to grasp a controller, you can spread them out, relax your grip, and move your wrist to move the mouse around.
in terms of games, there are more slower-paced games (turn-based strategies, RPGs with pause modes, god games, even real-time strategy games) so it would be better for your thinking skills since they allow for longer times to come up with strategies, as opposed to "twitch" games like CoD MW2, Halo 3, etc.
furthermore, should your disabilities be worse thanyou made them sound, there are more options to make you controlling your games easier. There is an infrared sensor setup that essentially lets you control movement, looking around, etc with your head, not to mention a plethora of controller options that might suit your needs.
concerning eyesight, its much easier to see things on a PC screen from two feet away than it is on a large flatscreen. For your hearing, its also easier to get some nice headphones with a mic attached and hook it into the back of your PC.
sorry to hear all of that but like mentioned earlier mabe you should try some different types of games due to your conditions.
It's not much consolation and you are more knowledable about your injuries than I, but many injuries that are that severe can take many years to get full (or near full) ability back. Luck to you.
[QUOTE="metallica_fan42"]Maybe you should concentrate on other things other than video games.MrGeezer
Who says he's not?
I know, the nerve of some people :x
I know after a day of rehab and struggling I would definately like to unwind with an hour or two of gaming.
all work and no play, so it goes.
I think you should try some RPG's Japanese and American Style.
American ones tend to be free roam and more you are the player, japanese most of the time you are more an observer and just follow the main characters story.
Both are very interesting genres and some have difficulty level settings like Mass Effect (I'm sure the same goes for Dragon Age) so if you cant keep up, you can still enjoy the epic stories and entertainment provided by the game on a lower difficulty without having to strain.
I think Online gaming may just not be for you though.. I'm sorry, And thank you for your sacrifice and may it not be in vain.
So let me get this straight, a person has gone to war and sustained life-threatening injuries, and now they want advice on how to more effectively kill people in the latest Commercial console games? ...and every one is not alarmed/concerned? Does insanity count for nothing anymore, or is this just the current state of the World?!
rofl excuse me, wtf are you talking about?
i dont know about you, good sir or madame, but most of us take games for what they are...GAMES!
So let me get this straight, a person has gone to war and sustained life-threatening injuries, and now they want advice on how to more effectively kill people in the latest Commercial console games? ...and every one is not alarmed/concerned? Does insanity count for nothing anymore, or is this just the current state of the World?!
Apparently he likes videogames.
Actually Ive heard people stationed in Iraq love the CoD series.So let me get this straight, a person has gone to war and sustained life-threatening injuries, and now they want advice on how to more effectively kill people in the latest Commercial console games? ...and every one is not alarmed/concerned? Does insanity count for nothing anymore, or is this just the current state of the World?!
Apparently he likes videogames.
He must be the drunk guy in the biker bar who accidentally got shot in a tussle that did not involve him..."hey, I just got shot and I feel fine! The next round's on me!".
I am just wondering, how could an intelligent person who has actually experienced the horrors of war and lived, go home and get a kick out of Tom Clancy games or Call of Doody, without feeling disgusted by the apathetic commercial portrayal of such content???
dude, you are being extreme cold, harsh, and crude.
with that said, people sign up for the military for a variety of reasons, one of them for the adventure of combat. While I am sure its terrifying, one could also assume that it is exciting and ultimately gratifying.
Perhaps that is the same reason we play war-based video games, so we can get a taste of that excitement. Maybe, just maybe, this veteran hasnt lost his appetite for that sort of excitement, and video games do that for him.
And that is entirely outside of the fact that A.) not all video games are moder-warfare based, and B.) games are a good recreational activity, especially if someone is not as physically capable as others
Former soldier myself ,also wounded in wrong places so i know what this guy is going trough
You should try some of your local University-s ,they allways have students that will for extra credit
fix something for you.Don't mind certain types here who act as intelectuals and yet know nothing about nothing.
What is important is what you enjoy,just because you're disabled now doesn't mean that your life should end,or that you should
go to some vet home and spend rest of your life thinking what might have been if this that ..............
Your life live it as you want rest be damned.;)
Maybe you should concentrate on other things other than video games.metallica_fan42how does this have to do with anything? Video games, for alot of us, is a way out of reality. To be immersed in a game after a tough day is always great (same goes with novels, movies, what have you). Who the hell says he's only concentrating on gaming? He has a problem, as we all do. To then go say, concentrate on something else, when you know nothing about that person is incredibly arrogant.
Must be frustrating *hug* I couldnt game for a year due to a minor injury, we take so much for granted.
sorry about your situation. You can play some jrpgs since many of them are turned based like final fantasy, or lost oddysey.
Sorry about your injuries, OP. Hopefully things improve as much as possible with time. In the meantime, as previous posters have suggested, games that require less twitch-like movements and more strategy could be useful. I wonder if some motion control games could be helpful in your physical therapy.
It amazes me how people go out and buy military shooters because they have an army fetish (yet would never dare to go and enlist) but the second a guy who experienced combat that wants to simply UNWIND and RELAX is penalized, and has no right to do so.
He he he when first bullet screams past them they usually call for their mommy.
(those who enlisted wanting to relive Halo or such)
did anyone ever bunnyhop during live combat? That'd be something to see...
I'm amazed at how many trolls this thread has brought out. For the people reading this thread, your options are:
1. Read the OP and form a thoughtful, on topic response.
2. Don't post.
3. Troll an injured war vet and get moderated.
I recommend either of the first two options.
Firstly, you have my sincerest appreciation and gratitude. Even though I didn't support the war in Iraq I unflinchingly supported the troops and continue to do so. My father is a veteran of the Vietnam War and the stories he's told me chill my very soul to its core. The infantilefools who saw fit to insult you are irrelevant; they live in the bubble of ignorance and could never relate to a man's journey through combat, life-changing bodily-injury, and the emotional and physical strength necessary to recover.
That said, play what you enjoy and don't concern yourself with skill or talent. If you enjoy playing FPS online continue to do so and when some 15 year old douche insults your manhood because he just fragged you, keep in mind that this whole thing is only a game and you've survived the real thing.
Enjoy the rest of your life because you have certainly earned it.
I've been disabled all my life, increasingly weak hand/eye coordination that's getting even worse as I get older and a learning disability that makes it hard for me to learn via instructions, but rather with hands on experience, that takes some time as well but I do my best.
It's taken me all my life to be able to type as well as I do, to force my hands to work as I need them to work. Sadly it means I'm in 24/7 pain from the constant effort, but I refuse to give up, I refuse to let my disabilities win. I love gaming and I'm a born writer, so if I were to give up because it hurts a lot then I would never get anything done.
It's a case of focusing hard, setting your mind on your goals and doing the very best you can do and when you can relax, do so because it helps a lot when the pain is unbearable.
I've been disabled all my life, increasingly weak hand/eye coordination that's getting even worse as I get older and a learning disability that makes it hard for me to learn via instructions, but rather with hands on experience, that takes some time as well but I do my best.
It's taken me all my life to be able to type as well as I do, to force my hands to work as I need them to work. Sadly it means I'm in 24/7 pain from the constant effort, but I refuse to give up, I refuse to let my disabilities win. I love gaming and I'm a born writer, so if I were to give up because it hurts a lot then I would never get anything done.
It's a case of focusing hard, setting your mind on your goals and doing the very best you can do and when you can relax, do so because it helps a lot when the pain is unbearable.
I have nothing but the utmost respect for you (and the OP as well), for not letting your disabilities stop you from doing what you want to do. Dunno about everyone else, but it sure gives me perspective about the things I take for granted.
Thanks for sharing this with us.
Mad respect to many in this thread. Ya'll are my heroes. Way to not give in to your disability and pursue your hobby of gaming. I have a friend who can only use one hand and he's on my FL on Xbox LIVE and he plays games along side everyone else.
Thank you for your strength and giving me inspiration in my life.
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