Time for a fresh start as the old thread was getting too big for its own good. So yeah, you all know the drill.
Don't know what game to get? Ask away here!
All other threads of this nature will be closed.
Finally, here's a game you should ALL get:
The Longest Journey
"One of the best adventure game in years. Like a hybrid of cIassic Sierra and LucasArts games, it tells a great fairy tale filled with characters that you'll remember long after the game is over." - GameSpot
"This game does more than just recreate the nostalgic experience of old school adventure gaming, it actually reinvents how stories can be told in the medium, and gives us a glimpse of what we can expect in the years to come." - IGN
"The powerful story affects you as it unfolds and by the end you will be drained--your life will never be the same again. This game could do to adventure games, what Doom did for the FPS. A must buy for anyone and everyone." - GameSpy
"The pinnacle of cIassic, point-and-click adventure gaming." - PC Gamer
"An engrossing and highly entertaining adventure game with characters that you can care about, an involving storyline to keep you hooked, and settings and characters that are both beautiful and bizarre." - Eurogamer
"Even after you've finished the game, you'll be imagining and wondering the answers to characters' motivations, backgrounds, and futures." - Evil Avatar
"Best game EVAR." - UpInFlames
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