I need some help locating a game, or more specifically a game type.
I have a couple of friends that have an X- Box and a PlayStation. They enjoy playing games together, but only this specific type.
In broad general terms their genre of choice is the RPG, but more specifically they are only interested in games that can be played multi player from a single console (in other words, no network connection required) all the characters must appear on a single. Non-split screen and the perspective must be top down, or ¾ top down.
To further illustrate, the games they already own are: for the X-Box; Dungeons & dragons Heroes and for the PlayStation; Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance, Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance 2,Champions of Norrath and Champions: Return to Arms.
My friends seem to think that there are no other games, for either console that would fit the above listed criteria.
They may be correct, but I just can't believe it.
If anybody can recommend any other games, of this nature for either console, or the Wii for that matter I would sure like to hear of them.
X-Men Legends/Marvel Ultimate Alliance series, I like X-Men Legends II the best...Fallout Brotherhood of Steel and Justice League Heroes can both be played with two players...And I would recommend Phantasy Star Online Episode I and II but I don't think that game is even compatible nor are its servers still up.
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