I was wondering if anyone knows what the difference is between ths PS3 version of GHWT and PS2 version. I own a PS2 and want to get GHWT. The song creator looks really intersting to me and such, and I was wondering if the PS2 version has that same option and besides not being able to download songs...is there any other diff. Info would be great =D
No online play, no downloadble content, lesser graphics (which, it's Guitar Hero, graphics really don't matter). That's pretty much it. Oh, and the instruments will probably look a little different.
Oh thats great to hear...Cuz i know there was no online play and I can handle that...Just that Music Studio blew me away after playing RB and loving the drums...I can't wait to play this game. Thanks for the help
The ps2 probably doesn't have the song creator on it. This is just me speculating, but since it doesn't have DLC (probably due to the fact that most people don't have an ExHDD (since they're illegal)), it probably won't have the creator on it either. Memory is memory, and the ps2 doesn't have a ready supply like the 360 or ps3, or even the Wii.
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