I'm definitly not saying an FPS for the sheer fact that I find the first Half life and Duke Nukem (on the easiest difficulty, although now that I think about it I think something was wrong with my Duke Nukem O_o) still harder than most modern fps's on their default difficulty -_-
Death To Spies Moment of Truth is kind of hard if you approach it in the same manner Hitman makes you acustom to but a slower more methodical pace makes it a lot easier. Mount and Blade Warband with all its difficulty settings tweaked to Normal etc.etc is pretty hard (for some reason, by default it's all set to the easiest o_O) but only really for the start of the game. Hearts of Iron III absolutely killed me three minutes into the game because I hadn't had the balls to read the massive manual and that the tutorials told me jack all- but that's more of an initial difficulty curve problem as opposed to having challenging gameplay (if it has that, i can't judge cause I couldn't play for longer than 10 minutes before crying from knowing so little)
I'm tempted to saw Condemned 2 but that isn't actually hard - I just suck at it ~_~. Actually I'm really not sure if I've played anything I've really found difficult in this current generation that I couldn't just rule out as me sucking at them (*cough* pretty much any fighting game that isn't soul calibur *cough*)
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