It kinda has and hasn't. I mean I still play, buy, and enjoy video games on a regular basis, but I'm finding myself less and less excited about new releases and the upcoming consoles.
There's a number of games on the PS4 I'd love to play, as long as they can play on the stock ps4 at around 30 fps or greater. (25 fps minimum.) Such titles include the Spyro trilogy remaster collection, Digimon World Next Order, both SAO hollow realization and Fatal Bullet, and Ace combat 7.
My PC, though fairly powerful compared to a standard, avrage store bought pc, was designed to work around the hardware I currently owned due to a limited budget, so I doubt I'll be buying too many of the newer, non-exclusive games for the pc, with the exception of maybe Forza 7 and the Halo wars games. And sunset Overdrive if it comes to pc, which I can affirmatively say that unless you see it in the Microsoft store or steam for Pc, it never will, no matter what raving PC fanboy or click-bait news story says otherwise. That's coming from a guy who loves pc gaming and has every since he got his first new pc back in 2004.
Nintindo has given me less and less reasons to buy the Switch and if the recent rumors of a new, more power switch are true, then that just sank the systems appeal in my eyes even farther. Especially given the fact that said rumor also states that some third party developers will have the option to port their games to just the new switch, leaving older switch owners out of luck. Now granted, if this is only a one time thing, and if the switch still has enough good first party titles to warrant a purchase, then I may go and buy it at the end of the switches life cycle and that notion holds true irregardless of said rumor.
Look, I have an original game boy advance, two 3DS systems, an NES system, a Nintendo 64 system and a Nintendo Wii I recently picked up at a yard sale, one that's capable with Gamecube games I might add. That gives me a total of nine Nintendo systems once you count backward compatibility so I seriously doubt I need a tenth Nintendo system, even though I am considering biting the bullet and buying a Super Nintendo in the near future.
While the Xbox one console has a few exclusives and games exclusive to it and the PC that do excite me, it's not nearly enough to warrant me to buy the console. Look,I owe the Xbox 360 and it has Halo combat evolved anniversary, Halo 3, Halo 4, Halo 3 ODST, Halo wars, Forza 3 and four, Forza horizon 1 and 2, Fable II and III, Ace combat 6, skies of liberation, Beautiful Katamari, and several other exclusives I'm interested it. The Xbox one has the Halo Master chief collection, which all but one of the games was made for the Xbox 360, Halo 5 and the new Halo game. But... There's only so much of Halo one can take before you get tired of it. Then there's Forza, which you can get on PC, and Sunset overdrive, which you cannot get on PC. Case in point, only 2 exclusive Xbox one games excite me, and though by itself the system is impressive, it's just not enough for me to buy it. I like the system, having played it a time or two at a friends house back in the day, but without a reason to buy one, there's no reason to buy one.
Sega is...Sega. While I love both the Dreamcast and the Genesis, due to the fact of the Dreamcast having issues with it's lazier and a lack of replacement parts, I'll be sticking to the Genesis.
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