Pffft, "Wizardry". Let's talk "MicroSoft ADVENTURE". No graphics, two-word max commands. "You are standing in the doorway of a small cottage, with a path that leads off to the West... On the table is a lamp."
Get. Lamp.
I'm sorry, I don't understand the word "get".
Lift. Lamp.
There is nothing under the lamp.
Carry. Lamp.
You are not holding the lamp yet.
Hold. Lamp.
The lamp is too hat and it burns you, so you dropped it.
F-. You.
I'm sorry, I don't understand the word "F-"
By the time Zork hit the scene and could actually interpret more than a two word command, we thought HAL9000 was right around the corner. I remember ASCII graphics. I remember monochrome screens. I remember when a Mouse was not something you desired in your home. "Wizardry" was fairly advanced, compared to what I started gaming on, back in the day. "Oubliette". Now THERE was a dungeon crawler!
I haven't forgotten MY roots. Grey as they are!
Happy Birthday. And Cherry Mt Dew is not something to be envied, even if mixed 5 to 1 with Captain Morgan (also on the table).
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