I was hyped for god of war last year, I am a huge fan of the series and was really excited for the new direction the series was going in. I heard amazing things about it, bought it day one, and was extremely disappointed.
I couldn't really tell you why, I was just having no fun playing the game at all, I would play for an hour or so, get bored, wait a few weeks, try again, and then eventually I just stopped playing it altogether. I think I finally stopped playing in June and never looked back.
I was off new years day and decided to give the game one more shot, I was not really expecting anything to change but after seeing it on everyones best games of 2018 lists and given my own bias towards the series I wanted to give it one more shot before I shelved it for good.
And so I did, and I don't know what changed, but man, I am loving the game right now. I think I am pretty near the end(I just killed Baldur) and it was just an amazing experience, the story was great, well written, I loved the new direction they took Kratos, Atreaus was really well developed, the game is beautiful, and the combat is stellar.
Looking back I still don't know why I was so blah on the game last year, but I'm really glad I decided to give it one more chance.
Anyone else have an experience like this with any game? Can anyone explain why they felt differently about it the second time around?
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